
Thursday 31 December 2009

Calendars for 2010

I have been selling calendars in aid of the rainforest fund, as well as greetings cards and Christmas Cards. the calendars cost £2-00 - They can also be used as greetings cards.


Tuesday 22 December 2009


Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2010!

Monday 14 December 2009

Pictures of Settle Vigil for Copenhagen on 12 Dec

Twenty people came to the vigil on 12th December, that I publicised in the blog below on 11 December. You can see the pictures at the AVAAZ Flickr website at

Friday 11 December 2009

What makes Settle's Candlelit Vigil for Copenhagen special?

We are having a vigil for Copenhagen on Saturday 12th December from 5pm to 6pm on Settle Market Square.

What makes it special and why should you come to it?

  1. All the 220 vigils taking place in the UK are special as are the over 2000 vigils taking place world wide - 
  2. Vigils show we have concern for the idea that there should be a Fair Deal at Copenhagen.
  3. They give us chance to show solidarity with the people working at Copenhagen and world wide to secure this
  4. The vigils give us chance to meet with each other and to interact with our own community.
  5. And what a community and place Settle is. This vigil is being organised by "Settle Eco-Nite" a loose network of people who meet on the first Wednesday evening of each month and the vigil is for everyone.
  6. Settle has a pledge plant: - It stands on the cobbles in the Market Square.
    . -- A Topic tree,
      -- with a commitment crown
      -- of leaves loaded with  uplifting lists of promises, priorities and practical actions.

Come to Settle, in the Craven Dales of North Yorkshire,  get a leaf from the shop next door (Practically Everything) or cut out your own leaf and put it on the tree. (We hope it will stay up from now until the New Year)

Come to the Vigil at 5-6pm on Saturday.  Bring warm clothes and a candle.
 We'll share stories, silence and maybe even songs.

Here is a  poster (in pdf) about the event

See you.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Wave Climate Service at London 5 December Press Release

I have just been sent the churches' joint press release about this morning's  service Climate Service at Westminster Methodist Central Hall, London,  with leaders from the major UK denominations speaking.

I have put the press release on Christian Ecology Link's  website plus two of the press pictures they sent: It really is worth reading there is a lot of detail.

- The Hall looks packed from the pictures. It must have been good to have been there.  Many of my friends from Christian Ecology Link would be there (maybe more than 20 or 30 of them, including  several going down with Bradford and Lancaster organised trips) amongst the other more than  3000 people at the service.

(Official press photo of the Wave Service at Westminster Central Hall. Everyone had to wear blue gloves to wave!)

I know a lot of people who were taking part - so it is nice to think of them attending the Rally now as I write this.

I spent this morning at Langcliffe (my village) Christmas Craft  Event selling my Greetings Cards and
Calendars in Aid of the "Rainforest Fund run by a group at Settle Methodist Church". I only sold £40-00 worth - but £40-00 (apparently) is enough to buy/protect half an acre. Half an acre!!.

Now I shall go down to my local church - with a print out of the Press Release and ask them in the intercession prayer request notebook to consider using  the Day of Prayer Climate Change prayer
tomorrow morning, or something similar..
