
Monday 14 May 2012

Rogation Sunday in Craven 13 May 2012

Four Rogation services in one day

rogation-austwick-20120513a by Judith Allinson
Austwick Parish Church started their Rogation Service at 9.30am - first stop village green, led by Red Ian Greenhalgh. 

Skye, the collie, at Austwick Parish Church Rogation Service, led by Revd Ian Greenhalgh

Rathmell 10.30 Rogation Service held at Rathmell Primary School and playing field.  Revd Hilary Young invites participants to give prayers for people working in their parishes - of Rathmell, Wiggleswort, Giggleswick and Settle,    


Revd Bryan Yardy (centre) greets one of the five dogs (a Maltese Terrier) at the Pet Service at St John's Methodist Church Hall 4pm 13th May

Revd Bryan Yardy of Bentham shows people
a photo of Derek Soames first sheepdog
at the Pet service at St John's Methodist Church Hall, Settle

Broughton and Elslack Rogation Service -
 Hymns and prayers at Field Gate. Service started at 7pm 13 May 2012

Broughton and Elslack Rogation Service - Hymns and prayers at Churchyard. 13 May 2012 
A longer report and more pictures are available from the web editor on request

Tuesday 8 May 2012

£1 a day for food 7-12 May 2012

7 May- 12 May. - time to Live off £1 a day for food
This is part of Live Below the Line

I did this in 2011 too, and you can see what I ate then here:
The picture on the right is from last year

I have chosen the same diet, more or less, this year - and it is interesting to see how prices have changed. The Potatoes that last year cost me £1-00 for 2.5Kilo have gone up to £1-39. However I was fortunate in seeing a "remaindered" bag for 59p.

The Coop Lentils have gone up from £1-00 to £1-20.
Fortunately the Booths Porridge has gone down 5p

So far I have spent £4-68 of my budget - that leaves me with 32p for "eating out" over the next three and a half days - i.e. accepting cups of tea from friends at 10p a cup.

I am grateful for friends who are sponsoring me.
You can sponsor me online -
One person has sponsored me on the web page - Thank you Margaret!!!
Last night some friends at Speakers Club sponsored me
Several people have sponsored me at church;
Some people from CEL sponsored me
Thank you to all!!

Item                                                     2011                              2012
Porridge 750g (Booths Quick Oat)  £0.95                                     90
1st   500g bag lentils (Coop)                  £1-00 each                             £1-20 each
2nd  500g bag lentils (Coop)                  £1-00 each                             £1-20 each
Potatoes - 2.5 k                               £1.00                                      59
portion of butter                                £0.30                                       0.30
2 tblspoons brown sugar                     0.10                                       0.10
portion of salt                                     0.10                                       0.10
1/20th bottle Cool Earth coffee             0.15                                       0.10
portion of barbecue.chili flavouring        0.10                                      
portion of nutmeg  (2011 only)              0.10 
1/2 a fudge bar given to me (2011only)   0.15
2 cups of tea given to me  (2011only)    0.10
1 slice white bread given   (2011 only)   0.10

1 large crisp after Speakers club (2012)                                             0.4p
1 (old) clementine                                                                           0.15

Monday 7 May 2012

Green Algal Bloom on River Ribble

Green Algae by the River Ribble Settle - it beautifully matches the green grass and opening leaves - but - is it
  • -a natural sign of spring growth?
  • -a response to air pollution in some way?
  • -a mark of how much the water level in the river has been falling regularly over the past days - So the volume of water is 1/20th or less what it was two weeks ago - and the alga is left stranded?

Opposite Settle hydro - 5 May

See how the green borders the water of the river. Ribble above Langcliffe below the old Paper Mill