
Thursday 26 March 2015

Lichens for Beginners Workshop in Horton-in-Ribblesdale Churchyard

All welcome at the Beginners Lichens workshop 28 March: Horton in Ribblesdale. 10am-12.30pm
For details and to book contact  Judith Allinson - Cost: £15 (Children £3.00) - Concessions available.

We will spend a period indoors learning about the structure of lichens, have a cup of tea, and then have a walk around the churchyard. We will use the "Guide to the Top Twenty Lichens in Horton churchyard" prepared by Judith, and participants will keep a copy of the guide. Hand lenses will be provided. Please bring warm clothes at this time of year.

I have just been preparing display boards - and will leave two copies of the trail leaflet for people to come and follow the trail themselves after 28th March

If you would
Your life enrichen,
Then study Lichen
If you prefer
Hikin' and bikin,
Then study Lichen

Both pronunciations are correct - but most people say the latter - liken.

Here's Horton in Ribblesdale churchyard, on a sunny day..

Lichen number 1 is on the porch wall. 

Can you see it here? The bright orange one.
I decided to call it "Limestone orange lichen"
 in the absence of any other English name "

Its Latin name is Caloplaca flavescens.
It is a crustose lichen. The edge of the lichen has narrow, pleated lobes
and this feature is referred to as "placodioid". (Click on the picture to see a larger picture

You'll recognise it again at the stile at the east.

These pictures were taken at a similar event at Horton last autumn

Here we are looking at the boundary wall in the north.
You can see we are holding the
"Guide to the Top Twenty lichens of Horton churchyard"
 that I had prepared

Come and see the display and try out the Trail. (28 March - Easter 2015)

There will also be a Lichens for beginners course on 20 June at Ingleton churchyard

See more posts on Lichens  on this website here

Sunday 1 March 2015

Support the Coffee Morning for the Rainforest Fund - Tue 3 March at Settle

We're holding our "First Tuesday of the Month Charity Coffee Morning" in aid of the Rainforest Fund at St John's Methodist Church, Settle on Tuesday 3rd March. 
At a time 
  • when there are only 5 northern white rhinos left in the whole world
  • The extinction rate of animals is 1000 to 10,1000 the natural rate
  • Forest is being felled and burned to grow palm oil, soya and cattle so that species such as orangutans have nowhere to live
  • Population sizes of wild animals have halved in the last 40 years

Do support it if you live near Settle.

Help us raise £100 to save an acre of endangered habitat

Delicious scones and home made cakes.
Beautiful greetings cards for just £1-50 and £1-00
Friendly welcoming atmosphere

Here's a picture from 2014 when (including sale of cards) we raised £120.

Click to see 2012 Coffee Morning

and 2010 Coffee Morning

and 2009 - See we are animal friendly

And our first one in 2008 -