
Sunday 22 November 2009

Settle Hydro - almost ready

On the morning of Wednesday 18th, we had solid rain and I looked at the river Ribble outside my house which was as high as I had seen it all year. I looked on the internet but (then) no BBC news of floods. I was surprised the river was so high. (It was the next day in Cumbria that the floods really took off!)

Later that day when the water had gone down (or a day near then, I think,) I stopped at the Settle Hydro and asked how long it would be till it was finished and had the floods damaged everything.

No the floods had not damaged anything - but it had been really useful to test the system under flood conditions!!. The screw had been tested that day working for the first time and they were going to do more tests. Much of the work left just involved tidying up and landscaping the surface .. So it might be ready mid December!!

Well, Here is to the 1st of January.

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