
Thursday 23 June 2011

Saltaire Ladies, Ladies bedstraw, Clover, Cake and Coincidences

How is fundraising for the Rainforest Fund going? -

Slowly, but we had a boost today.

And things tie up.. remember me talking about Clover in yesterday's blog? Well you'll see.

Last month, an organiser from  a Methodist Shipley and Saltaire Ladies group had phoned me to see if we (St John's) did teas.

Lesley who sometimes organises church teas nobly offered to organise the salad, and we split the profit between the Church  and the Rainforest Fund. Win and Maurice helped.

And my job?

"You could get some flowers to put on the table" suggested Lesley.

So early that afternoon off I trotted   (sorry, staggered) , up the near vertical hill to Lower Winskill, where I met Tom Lord thistle stubbing.   "May I pick a few of your  Yellow Rattle please?". I admired his Red Clover. He said it grew best where the Yellow Rattle had got established.

Tom told me he had received such a nice letter from a partially sighted group who had visited his meadows, with their wheelchair accessible new path,  for about four hours the previous week. "People need to stay a long time to get enough out of the meadows" he said.

I collected more wildflowers and returned, and placed them in three small vases on the dining table.

The Saltaire Group arrived and were treated to a splendid salad (ham/cheese or tuna)  and trifle and cake.

We all admired the flowers including the Red Clover. I said I had got if from Lower Winskill.

Then their minibus driver said "I know Tom Lord, I took a group of partially sighted people up their last week!"

Small world.

After costs, we made £28.87 for the Rainforest Fund and £28.87 for the Church Fund; and the ladies bought £16.50 worth of Greetings cards.

Thanks to all.

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