
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Bearing Witness- Manchester 1 Oct 2011

Christian Aid, Tearfund and CAFOD organised a march and vigil on the eve of the Conservative Party Conference at Manchester on 1st October, to ask the Prime Minister to act on the green promises he had made.. During the afternoon each organisation held workshops. Then we met at 5 pm at the Cathedral. The march stated at 6pm.We organised a "Meet-up" of Christian Ecology Link Members at 11am before the workshop for an hour. It was so hot (due to the Jet stream) that we met outside.

Here are two video clips I took. You can see the CEL banner (white with CEL red written on it) at the centre of the picture below, and it comes in at the middle of the clip.

Here we are walking towards the hotel where the Conservatives are staying.
The marshal with the red tshirt and yellow waistcoat and rucksack walking past is Alex who is a Christian Aid worker in Leeds and Bradford (i.e. covers Our area in the Dales ),

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