
Sunday 4 December 2011

100 Churches Project

The 100 Churches Project is a campaign run by the national organisation Christian Ecology Link (CEL) in which CEL is encouraging 100 churches to raise at least £100 each for "saving wild habitat" projects.

I paste the details from their website here:-

glade in tropical forest

100 Churches

CEL is seeking 100 churches to raise £100 each for habitat conservation projects
One quarter of the world’s mammals and one fifth of the plants are under threat of extinction
Could your church have a fund raising event?
  • to save habitat or species
Please tell Christian Ecology Link. We will celebrate the fact by
  • putting a link to you from the website,
  • by sending you a certificate and thank you card.
We want to show the world that Christians care about the gifts God has given us – and care that future generations should enjoy them too.
CEL can suggest projects to support.  For example a church in Settle is supporting three charities: World Land Trust, Cool Earth and A Rocha Ghana.
If you support a church abroad, why not ask them about conservation projects near them, thus increasing both their and your awareness. Contact Judith Allinson   

“Whatsoever is good” – Philippians 4 v.8

Spending £1 to save rainforest from being destroyed can prevent 330kg carbon dioxide being produced that's one third of a ton – a better return on £1 for preventing climate change than any other way

Species extinction rates are now 1000 times as great as the natural rate due to habitat loss
Churches which have raised over £100 so far:
  1. Eco-group at Clun Methodist Church, Shropshire raised over £300
  2. Churches Together in Settle and District
  3. St John's Methodist Church, Settle

Leaf insect

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