
Friday 6 April 2012

Good Friday Passion Play - Settle - 2012

Churches Together in Settle and District held the Passion Play at Settle,on 6 April 2012 acting scenes leading up to the crucifixion.
See three videos at foot of post.

Come to Settle on 4 April 2015 to see this play in 2015: Starts 10.30am at St John's Methodist church Hall

See pictures from 2013
See pictures from 2012
See pictures from 2011

(We will be doing it again in 2015 on April 4 2015)
Jesus, played by John Bavington washes the disciples feet.
(In the background is a small choir)

Washing the disciples feet

The crowd watches

And in the distance two Roman soldiers and Annas, the  High Priest look on.

The disciples fall asleep in the Garden of Gethsemane

Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane

Jesus is arrested

and is marched up to

His trial (in Settle Market Place)

Caiaphas the High Priest hears evidence

Pontius Pilate listens. The crowds shouts "Barabas". Pilate wahses his hands of the affair.

Jesus is crucified.
Three people give moving accounts of the crucifixion, including Mary Magdalene and the Roman Centurion. The choir sings "When I survey the wondrous cross".  It was a moving performance.

 Below is a video clip of Mary Magdalene. click on the arrow

Here the Centurion gives his thoughts

When I survey the wondrous cross

Afterwards there are hot cross buns and coffee in the Parish Church
See pictures from 2013
See pictures from 2012
See pictures from 2011
See pictures from 2009

1 comment:

  1. Memorable pictures. I got to see some of what I missed skulking around the cricket club and after I had done my bit, while others took part in the trial, getting changed into "civvies" back at St John's Hall.
