
Wednesday 17 October 2012

Church and churchyard wildlife questionnaire

I am testing out a survey. The aim of the survey is to

  1. Increase people's interest, awareness, and love of nature
  2. Provide data for an article to be written by ECEN on Church and Churchyard Wildlife of Europe.
This survey is still in draft form - but do have a go!

Tell us how the questions can be improved.

Click here to take survey

To church leaders / youth leaders:

"Could you use this questionnaire with a group?
DOWNLOAD the questionnaire in printable form here here.

  • Use it as a springboard for discussion. 
  • Send us a short report on your findings and of interesting outcomes. 
  • Please send us a few digital pictures."
  • Tell your group "This questionnaire will be used by people from all over Europe""

The printable form also includes an sheet with
a) Three biblical texts about nature
b) Space for the group (or individuals) to write a prayer about/for animals and plants.

ECEN stands for European Christian Environmental Network. Participants at the last assembly, held in Elspeet in the Netherlands,  came from as far apart as Greece and Finland; The network meets every two years. 

The Questionnaire was written by the Biodiversity Working Group at Elspeet
Click here to read about the biodiversity workshop leading up to the production of the questionnaire

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