
Sunday 3 February 2013

Ordinary humans and the holocaust - Why I'd recommend this study session at St John's, Settle

On Sunday 27 January we had a Study Session on the Holocaust.


Apart from the fact that 27 Jan is Holocaust Memorial Day?

Last year our Minister Rev Stephen Normanton had been to Israel for a short study course on the Holocaust and many of us were keen to learn a little of what he had learned on his trip away..

We met in the Primary Room.

Several members came from other churches too.

He explained a lot of history -
(very humbly - saying he was not an expert - but passing on knowledge covered in his course-)
He had a map of Jewish Settlements on Europe, especially northern Europe before the war(s)
He explained Hitler's rise to power - and that initially there had been no plan to kill the Jews.. but how things increased and increased- I don't want to write it here..
Including how other countries did not do enough to help the fleeing Jews.
But it did show all of us how things can grow and how we need to be aware of unjust things, and to act  before they get worse.

He spread out some pictures

Which we then discussed.

I would recommend this talk.

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