
Monday 18 March 2013

Christian Ecology Link Conference Leeds 16 March 2013

Christian Ecology Link held their annual conference in Leeds this year on 16 March. It meant that Althea and I were able to travel there by train, on the Settle Carlisle Line starting at 7.30am from Settle Station.

Paul Bodenham, the Chairman of CEL,
 introduces the day.

Philip Roderick demonstrates the hangdrum

He tells us about body prayer He leads a workshop on nourishing our Christian environmental witness in prayer, contemplation and intercession. Philip is percussionist, educator and Anglican priest. He is Founder-Director of The Quiet Garden Movement (, Community Leader of Contemplative Fire ( and Adviser in Spirituality to the Bishop of Sheffield (

The long lunch hour give opportunity for networking (and lunch).. and ..

And looking at material on display

It's an opportunity to promote other events
such as the Faith and the Environment Weekend
at Lancaster Methodist Church 19-22 April -
a Weekend of Discussion, Action and Reflection
leading up to Earth Day

or chat

or have a go playing the hang drum

After lunch there is half an hour of Open forum - People can raise issues or publicise events.

One participant holds up a little thermometer that shows temperature -
and indicates that the temperature of our room
 is much higher than necessary.  (A CEL miniprojct)
Fortunately the chairman is able to point out that the radiators
were actually switched off in the morning - it is the heat produced
by the 70 plus participants (7KW) that is now heating the room..

In the afternoon there are six workshops running simultaneously, then repeated after the tea break

Bill Cross talks about the many problems facing farmers. This slide illustrates just some of the many organisations that send representatives, often unannounced to inspect the farms, or which request the farmers to fill in forms online .. when they may even live in a place where there is no internet connection.
He explained what all these different organisations are
(which in itself was educational to the audience)
The major form of accident and death is to older farmers working alone.

He explained the high animal welfare and environment standards we have in the UK....

But that every hour vast amounts of farm produce is
imported illegally  from abroad where there are lower standards
making it cheaper for meat to be produced abroad

Here a group led by Lindsey Pearson of 
Christian Aid discusses development 
and environment issues

Chris Walton led the service at the end of the day.
Chris is raising money for Ringsfield Hall Christian Eco-Centre
(where CEL holds its autumn retreats). He will be running the London Marathon to raise money for this centre. Would you like to sponsor him?

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