
Wednesday 30 October 2013

Fungus Foray to Feizor 2013

This year's Craven Conservation Group Fungus foray was to Feizor.
Jane Rushworth organised it and we were pleased that Archie McAdam was able to come again.
This year he is teaching a U3A course at Skipton and he brought several members of his class with him.
Several people had also heard about the foray thorugh "Flowers of the Dales" booklet -- and we had 25 people!

It was pretty windy - Tee wind from the west coast
from beyond Morcambe Bay  20 miles away
was blasting straight at us and funnelling up the valley. 
Photographing a red waxcap - probably Hygrocybe coccinea 

And this is the red waxcap being photographed

Another view of those three waxcaps

The same hummock - but look how far behind the first group are

 We carried on up to the "Summit of the pass" and had lunch.
After lunch we explored the woods
Blushing Bracket - (Daedelopsis confragosa) from above

Blushing Bracket - (Daedelopsis confragosa) from below 

Then we  returned to Feizor and had warm drinks at the cafe there.
Some of our finds
Thanks to Rosie Sanderson for the photos of the fungi/ Group shots by myself.

It is four months since I was here with the Bishop

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