
Tuesday 18 March 2014

Eycott Hill, Cumbria Bryologists

 Windy and cold - is how I would describe the weather on 16th March - But warm and enthusiastic is how I would describe the company at the Cumbria Bryology group meeting at Eycott Hill,

The first big rock

Eycott Hill is a Site of Special Scientific Interest next to the Lake District, just north of the road from Penrith to Keswick. 

The Cumbria Wildlife Trust are raising money to buy it. 

The area is scheduled as a SSSI for both its biology and its geology, being the type location for the Eycott Hill Volcanics, one of the oldest areas of volcanic activity in the Lake District

Diane is photographing Hedwigia ciliata - The Fringed Hoar-moss -
 Just need to check it isn't the Starry Hoar-moss H stellata

Closer up

And closer
Now sprayed with water

Examining our finds

So far we think this is Spahgnum angustifolium 
because of the rounded heads, like pompoms
the light green colour and the long pendent branches.

Sphagnum angustifolium (Fine Bog-moss)


Sphagnum contortum - Twisted Bog-moss
This grows where the water is slightly more basic

Straminergon stramineum - Straw Spear-moss

Climbing up

Looking back down

Racomitrium fasciculare on a rock

Scorpdium cossoni (formerly Drepanocladus revolvens var. intermedius)  
Intermediate Hook-moss  the shoots grow upright and the leaves curl.

Hamatocaulis vernicosus
Varnished Hook-moss - A protected species.

Hamatocaulis vernicosus 
Varnished Hook-moss

Racomitrium aquaticum on sheltered rock face

What have we here?

Hypnum lacunosum  Great/roof Plait-moss 

Here are few lichens we saw on the rocks.

Maybe Tephromela atra?

Tephromela atra? or Lecanora gangaleoides?

Cladonia subservicornis

Cladonia subservicornis

Rock Tripe Lasallia pustulata 

Rock Tripe Lasallia pustulata

Parmelia omphalodes

Parmelia omphalodes

Xanthoparmelia conspersa

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