
Saturday 22 March 2014

Ingleton Churchyard Lichens 3

(Return to Site 2)                  (Go to menu with choice of 7 sites)              (Go on to Site 4)

Leave the outside wall and go up the steps, through the gate into the church yard. On the left  is a cherry tree. On its trunk is a bright, pale pastel green powdery lichen: Lepraria incana

This is site 3a

Site 3 is divided into several parts.

Ste 3a is this tree.
Site 3b is the grave you can see on the lawn to the right of this tree.
Site 3c is the grave that was in the initial picture
Site 3d is doubling back to the flat table grave very near where we started.
Site 3e and site 3f and site 3g follow.

Site 3a

Lepraria incana

Even when seen close up Lepraria incana just has a simple powdery structure.

Lepraria incana

Lichens that have a powdery structure like this are said to be leprose.

Round the other side of the cherry tree trunk, hidden in a crevice is a yellow lichen.

Candelariella reflexa (Common on shaded nutrient enriched trees - e.g by dogs)

Site 3b

It is the one with some Bank Haircap moss (Polytrichastrum formosum) at the foot. -

Useful Links:
The British Lichen Society has a map of all the churchyards surveyed in England and Wales and the number of lichens recorded. The map show that Ingleton was surveyed in 1995 by Don Smith who found 32 species.  He found 29 at St Leonard's churchyard. (There are just over 1800 species of lichen in Britain, and just over 1000 species described in the 6th Edition (2011) of Frank Dobson's book
Lichens: An Illustrated Guide to the British and Irish Species (only 860 in the 5th edition). The high scorers in our area are Dent (89 by Oliver Gilbert, Ivan Pedley and Tom Chester in 1999)

Site 3c: is this gravestone.

See the green alga on it - Klebsormidium crenulatum.  A sign of NO2 pollution.

Site 3c gravestone.
Site 3b is the slate stone behind on the right, near the tree at 3a

Lecanora soralifera should be spelled with an a - need to change this

site 3d
Doubling back so you are next to the wall again  is site 

With low sunlight the edge of the apothecia stood up.

Testing with a chemical

Acarospora smaragdula

Acarospora smaragdula - because it turned red  with K

We found Rizocarpon reductum which has small round thallus and the black fruiting bodies from circles.

Site 3e  The old wooden notice board has a green filamentous alga on it ..Klebsormidium 
(This is yet another example of Klebsormidium on this website - evidence that there might be blanket pollution of nitrogen compounds from fertilizer and car fumes over this part of Britain)

Site 3f

Lecanora albescens on top of the tombstone

Lecanora albescens 

Site 3g

The yellow is Candelariella vitellina on the acid tombstone

The top of this same tombstone has Parmelia saxatilis (left) and Melanelixia fuliginosa (the blackish one on the right)

The top of this same tombstone has Parmelia saxatilis (left) and Melanelixia fuliginosa (the blackish one on the right)
Parmelia saxatilis (left) and Melanelixia fuliginosa (the blackish one on the right)

Site 3f

Lecanora handelii

Lecanora handelii

Lecanora handelii:-  the soralia (powdery patches) are round the edge of each bit of thallus, not at the centre.

End of Site 3

Click to go to Site 4

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