
Wednesday 2 July 2014

Grasses of Le Grand Depart (1) - Yorkshire Section of the Tour de France - Skipton - Threshfield

Yorkshire is a green county - even after our dry June. Much of this is due to the beautiful grasses.

Over 80 species of grass can be found in North and West Yorkshire. At least 40 of these can be found on our road verges and fields close to the road. Britain has about 150 native species of grass  (plus up to 70 more introduced and casuals).
This post shows 7.

As the cyclists whiz round our country roads they will see  many of these grasses.  If you are watching the race, why not look out for some of the grasses whilst you are waiting?

These photos were collected on two visits: 1) the Hawes- Buttertubs Section on 18 June
2) The Skipton - Buckden section on 2 July.

So: we set off at Skipton -

People at Skipton parish church - Holy Trinity - will have a good view of the race.
 Look they have been cutting their grass. I expect a lot of it is ryegrass

Just north of Skipton is a turning to the right to the natural burial ground. Here on the roadside is Ryegrass. The flowerhead is a spike, with spikelets arranged on either side. See how just one floret in each spikelet is open.

False Oat-grass - an indicator of lack of grazing or mowing

False Oat-grass seen closer. there is one long awn (bristle) per spikelet

Meadow Fescue  (And there was some Yellow Oat-grass nearby)

At the Rylstone turnoff, we are reminded that this main road will be closed.

Not many grasses here - but some good ferns on a wall. This is Common Polypody - and below that some Maidenhair Spleenwort.

A mile before Threshfield there is a bridleway signed to Linton. And there is a great selection of plants on the verge

Tall Fescue

Tall Fescue leaves - with hairs on the auricles - need a closer up picture.

Quaking Grass

Soft Brome
Reflexed Saltmarsh-grass

There are rushes in the field opposite

 See the next seven grasses in the   Threshfield - Buckden (-Cray) Section

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