
Wednesday 19 November 2014

Leaflet part 6: how to write a biodiversity leaflet - A better template - more space

Back to Part 1  (Intro).
Back to Part 2 : - A leaflet that people will pick up
Back to Part 3: - A leaflet that people will READ
Back to Part 4: A leaflet so that people will ACT
Back to Part 5: It's now divided into TWO leaflets

Two leaflets, in print size big enough to read. I felt quite proud.

At the end of last week I said I would:

1) Ask "How could the leaflet be used?"
-~ask a few local religious leaders/
and people in charge of notice boards

2) Find out how much it would cost to get it printed locally..

3) Consider, what would the 14 year olds make of these leaflets?
Or the 13 year olds I taught in Sierra Leone? -

 perhaps I really do need a picture of a bee and some bee statistics...  Or can I supplement my leaflet on the display board with biodiversity pictures made by other organisations?
1) Ask "How could the leaflet be used?"

Our local C of E priest was quite supportive.
He suggested putting about three pairs of leaflets in each of the local churches.
And with an extra 20 I might use at a house group, that would soon come to 100 copies..

2) Find out how much it would cost to get it printed locally..

I obtained quotes for printing from the local print shop. (250, 500 and 1000 ).. I could see that it was definitely much cheaper to have larger quantities made.
One quote was:
Costs for printing on 100gsm recycled 4/4
6pp Rollfold to DL

250 - £109.21
500 - £121.03
750 - £125.21
1000 - £130.74

12pp Parallel fold & Rollfold to DL  (assuming I made an A3 leaflet folded into 6)

250 - £178.52
500 - £194.11
750 - £215.21
1000 - £221.74

prices subject to sight of the artwork.

Now I would need to persuade the national organisation Green Christian / CEL that they would like to pay to have them printed - (rather than me just running off a few copies on my expensive printer, and putting the file online to make it available for other people to print themselves.)

I emailed the CEL Secretary.

"Bring some copies to the next planning meeting" said the secretary

"But they must be in the CEL House style - At the moment that is A4 folded rather than tryptych.
And a tryptych would still need to conform to margins, spacing, headings, fonts and size of print etc.. "

HOUSE style?

I then remembered that when CEL got its new logo 6 years ago we were sent templates for leaflets.
Ahh - I should have used those all along -

But maybe not.

 I have had chance to learn and be creative, and I have used the correct font already, and the red stripes at the top and bottom of the page.

I have now made leaflets
1. Using the CEL housestyle (but now in colour) - A5 (A4 folded)
2. Triptych leaflets - similar to what I have already done - but with similar layout to the CEL Housestyle - tthe only main difference trying font size 10 and font size 11 instead of the house style font  size 8.5
I still want the leaflets to be accessible to visually challenged people and to older children used to large print.

 So the front of the 2 triptych leaflets still look something like this, and the A5 leaflets are similar but a bit wider.


You will be able to download all the versions here:
Meanwhile here is a link to
Leaflet 1 - A5 word doc
Leaflet 1 - A5  pdf

Leaflet 1 triptych font size 10   word doc
Leaflet 1 triptych font size 11   word doc

The extra white space and extra spacing does make them look a lot better - as does the the much more restricted number of font sizes.

Meanwhile - I read a blog post and was reminded about the  problems caused by cattle- Nitrogen oxides , green house gases, and deforestation to grow soya to feed our cattle -
I added "Go more vegan" to point 10 on Leaflet 1's list of of ten top practical steps.)
10: Buy food that is "Wildlife friendly" and go more vegan.
SINCE Wednesday I stopped being an omnivore and started being "partly more vegan." (Though not totally)

I still need to
1) consider further how the leaflet can be used
2) try it out on some 14 year olds
3) Take it to the Green Christian Planning meeting

Come back next week to see what I do next -
 Part 7: Attempting to use the leaflet to make a wall poster: 

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