
Sunday 25 January 2015

Leaflet part 7: how to write a biodiversity leaflet - Making posters from the leaflet - and testing it at our house-group

Back to Part 1  (Intro).
Back to Part 2 : - A leaflet that people will pick up
Back to Part 3: - A leaflet that people will READ
Back to Part 4: A leaflet so that people will ACT
Back to Part 5: It's now divided into TWO leaflets
Back to Part 6: A better template - more space and fewer font sizes

I had been invited to take my draft leaflets to the Planning meeting before Green Christian's Annual Members Meeting in London.
So that they could consider funding it.

I suspected that the planning meeting would be likely to run of time to do the leaflets justice - so I decided to make some posters using my new A3 laminator.

I made four posters, blowing up the columns to almost fit A3.
Two columns from the fronts of the leaflets,
one from the column promoting the "Rainforest Fund"  ..  and
one listing the "ten practical steps to do something"

"People can look at these and think about the topic .. and maybe buy some cards at the annual members meeting" I thought

The experiment was a success in that I learned from it.

 I learned that the only word that could be read from a distance was "Wildlife"
Everything else was a blur from a distance and thus a total waste of print.

No one bought any cards.
(There was too much else going on at the meeting)
I came home, and enlarged the words "Rainforest Fund" on the back of the leaflet.

Really though, the poster needs to be A1 size, not A3 size to be viewed from a distance.
(And my printer is capable of this, with glue and paste, though not my laminator).

Still I do already have a separate poster for the Rainforest Fund


On Wednesday I went to my House group

I had the aim of asking if we could use the leaflets as a basis for discussion
one evening early next year.

However as number were depleted that night,
and there were just four of us
they decided to look at the leaflets there and then,

which was great.

I have incorporated two or three of their suggestions into the leaflet.

Since then I put up three of the posters in our church hall in January.

They look a bit serious. and preachy. (but more readable than just pinning up a couple of triptych leaflets)

Here is Oli the Octopus at Messy church in January giving a sense of scale to the posters.

Back to Part 1  (Intro).
Back to Part 2 : - A leaflet that people will pick up
Back to Part 3: - A leaflet that people will READ
Back to Part 4: A leaflet so that people will ACT
Back to Part 5: It's now divided into TWO leaflets
Back to Part 6: A better template - more space and fewer font sizes


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