
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Easter Sunrise -

Two Wheatears on Wall at Winskill Stones Plantlife Reserve.

Easter Sunday started at 5.15 am as I looked out of the door to see a brilliant big white full moon in the clear black sky in the SW. 

By 5.30 the moon was dissolving into the darkness as the mist rolled in.

I went round to Althea's and we went to the Churches Together Early morning -6.30am  service the Millennium Gardens, led by John Diggles.

I love the early morning service, with the birds in the background, and the quietness. We have the whole place to ourselves. . I played "Amazing grace" on my tin whistle before we started, as people were arriving. To recorded music we sang "Light up the Fire" and Easter songs.

Then we had breakfast at the Friends Meeting House. Althea and I returned to her house by 8.30am as she wanted to get ready to go to a Christening/Baptism later that morning.

I realised the mist would be only in the valley. So instead of going home... I went up the hill above Langcliffe


What views!  

At the left of Langcliffe Brow I walked  south to try and get at photo of the mist above Settle to say "That's where we were at 6.30cm."

But one bit of mist from above looks pretty much the same as another..

-- so I will say we were below this bit of mist to the right of this solitary ash tree:  
This gives me chance to put in another photo of Klebsormidium - growing on the slightly acid bark (the limestone walls are so basic for it to grow)

Klebsormidium crenualatum on Ash trunk

Perhaps I  could take a photo of the Plantlife Reserve - Winskill Stones and put a picture on Twitter?
So I went along to  Winskill Stones
Two Wheatear. In the distance is Moughton - with a trig point at the summit and Juniper on the pavement.  (and Ingleborough beyond that is now becoming  covered in mist

Solonospora candicans -  a lichen on the wall

Lecanora soralifera on slate/greywacke capstones of wall

Wisnkill Stones looking up towards Pen y Ghent

10.15 and I was back down at St John's Church - where on Easter morning we decorate a cross with Daffodils.

and wear our Easter Bonnets

In the afternoon I invited friends for a walk to the Hoffman Kiln - I wish I had taken photos - On the way we saw butterbur, primroses and willow in flower. And the others took photos of snails and thallose liverworts.

We went to the informal worship service at St Alkelda,s Giggleswick Church.

Modern technology and Easter Bonnet

 Returning home in the Easter Evening Sun.

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