
Friday 9 October 2015

Malham Chapel 150 Years Old

On September 6th 2015 Malham Chapel celebrated its 150th Anniversary.
(I used to attend Malham Chapel when I taught at Malham Tarn Field Centre)

At lunchtime some members of Skipton circuit went on a walk around Bordley, two miles up from Malham,, starting from Newhouses Farm -(See next post in blog)
I nipped back to Settle to collect Bill Mitchell (former editor of the Dalesman), and we arrived in time for the tea before the evening service.

Bill, who attends St John's Methodist Church,  used to come here as a local preacher many years ago.. (60 years ago??) - and tells how he would leave in time to get the bus back to Skipton.

A feature of the afternoon was to troop outside and have our photograph taken - to match the photo taken 50 years ago.

(Numbers being augmented this time by people from round the circuit plus former ministers and friends from afar.

Bill is fourth from left, middle row. (Third from left is John Geldart)

Lead me O, though great Jehovah,

Rev Atkinson.. trying to organise us ready to take the photograph

Bill,second from left

Rev David Emmison (who used to be minister here
and at Skipton) came back to lead the service

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