
Monday 13 March 2017

Lent: Buy no new food ingredients for home: 2

I wrote this for Slimmers World - Slimming Club: 

This post is visible world wide: 

I really wonder what people who are really short of money or who are really starving must make of it... Or even of my wasting my time writing it... whilst I read posts on the internet such as:-

This week: The world is facing its largest humanitarian crisis since 1945, the United Nations says, issuing a plea for help to avoid "a catastrophe".

UN humanitarian chief Stephen O'Brien said that more than 20 million people faced the threat of starvation and famine in Yemen, Somalia, South Sudan and Nigeria.

(And (complete change of subject) for the record, yesterday the BBC News has just changed it's format - it may be much more mobile phone friendly - but it is nearly all big pictures and very little text - maybe they are lowering the standards to appeal  2/3 of the UK population who can't read so well (sounds arrogant?) - Or maybe (sensibly) making it accessible to people for whom English is a second language. 
Indeed I have just enlarged the print here to make this easier for you to read.

Right back to the topic of this blog:
"  Existing on the food left in the house without buying anything new for Lent."

So how did I get on with my “No new home food for Lent” diet at the weigh in after one week? Last Tuesday, one week in, I had hoped to lose 2 lb 
I lost 3 lb.!!
Hurray! Filling the SAS form must have worked.

 (actually I had put on 2 lb over that previous 2 weeks - so maybe it is really only a net loss of 1 lb.)


It will be much harder this week to lose anything at all. 
I am running out of veg to eat, never mind speed foods. 
Mind I did OK on Saturday, 11 days in (see picture at top)

I opened the tin of globe artichokes;
I microwaved the two week old packet of "sell by" sprouts; I microwaved the onion and its by now long green shoots. I removed the sprouted shoots off two potatoes and sliced the potatoes.
And had a big stack of microwaved lentils (See picture)

For calcium and fat I had half a Wensleydale cheese - an Orange and Champagne cheese. 
(A post Christmas bargain). 
And Scandinavian Bran Crispbread.

Desert was the last of my tin of forest fruits with raw oats and a little sugar (I really like and recommend that - I am sure it is healthy, though it may dissolve my teeth.)

And for medical reasons (a cold - feeble excuse) some Halls cough sweets.

And several cups of tea and coffee with reduced fat coffee whitener. And Lemsip.

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