
Monday 3 April 2017

Lent: Week 5: No new food: (Except a one off stack of Veg in week 4) - Success then..

You remember I have been buying NO food for myself to bring into the house for Lent - with the one exception after 3 weeks  when I bought a stack of fresh and frozen vegetables (carrots, potatoes cauliflower frozen spinach), some eggs and some pure Quorn and butter. )

I had a really good week 21-28 March - NO meals out, no trips to the garage for bargains - Just the one trip to buy the vegetables I showed you last week. Two visits to the swimming pool, and the walk up Fountains Fell.

I was rewarded by a 3 lb loss… I had got back into target range - for Slimmers World  (though still another 1 1/2 lb to get to target) and won (joint) slimmer of the month!!

If this were a fairy story it would stop there.


But it isn’t .. and there are still two weeks of Lent left.

So how did week 5 go?

On Wednesday it was my turn to provide the coffee, milk, cakes, hot-cross-buns for Settle Churches Lent meeting and a pint of Milk. Guess what - although I gave all the spare biscuits away, I came home with a packet of 7 hot-cross buns, and two slices of Lesley's cake.
Delicious - and all gone - eaten (by me) within 24 hours.

Friday was a barbecue to celebrate a friend’s new office opening.

Friday night to Sunday lunchtime was a Residential First Aid course and Training Course at Malham Tarn Field Centre - I.e.five “meals out” - where the food is excellent - and just can’t be refused… 

So Hey Ho. Let's see what the score is tomorrow.

It announced on the News that people in the NW of England are the worst couch potatoes in England. - that a lack of exercise is now causing as many deaths as smoking across the world..

It is recommended that adults do 150 minutes of moderate exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling or gardening, each week. - Doing less than this is considered inactive!!!

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