
Friday 14 April 2017

Settle Passion Play 2017

Below are pictures and videos of Settle Passion Play 2017. 
(You can see pictures of the 2018 play here)

Fri 14 April 2017 10.30-12.  

The threat of rain did not deter crowds coming to see Settle Passion Play. The cloudburst at 10.30am fizzled away by the Garden of Gethsemane Scene (below) and finally a patch of blue sky came at midday at the Crucifixion scene in the church garden of Settle Anglican  Parish Church

Here is the scene in the Garden of Gethsemane  (AKA The Millennium Gardens, Booths Car Park Settle)  where Jesus (right) is praying and the disciples fall asleep.

But the story is not all romantic looking like the above. It is a cruel story. You cannot be squeamish about Good Friday
The Bishop of Our Diocese (Bishop Nick) was on "Thought for the day" on Radio 4 this morning"
He said:
Good Friday is not for the squeamish – however over-familiar we might be with its story of suffering. Yet, the world is not for the squeamish either. According to the Institute for Strategic Studies nearly half a million people have died in conflict in the last couple of years. Add to them the fact that the world now has nearly 22 million refugees – half of them under eighteen – and you can see the problem.... I have just spent a week with bishops from places like Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Sudan whose stories sometimes are hard to hear.

Jesus was played by 21 year old Joe Dillon of Hellifield seen here at the beginning washing the disciples' feet.

The producer and director was Michael Cullingworth of Settle - who also played Pilate again.

This is the 10th year Churches Together in Settle have produced the Passion Play  play "Journey to the Cross", and each year  new items have been added.

Here two servants ask the disciple Peter "Are you with Jesus?"  Peter denies it - and then the cock crows.

Pilate looks down to Caiaphas and Jesus

Jesus, Caiaphas and the court look up to Pilate

At the end, after Jesus body has been carried away by the centurion and the crowd quietly is dispersing we are left with the bird-song and the haunting theme of a violin playing "There is a Green hill" and are left to ponder on these things.

Click here for pictures and videos of the 2016 Passion Play   e.g.

On Sunday 16th you are welcome at one of my favourite services of the year - 6.30am "Dawn" service - this year held in Millennium Gardens, near Booths, .. followed by breakfast at the Quaker Meeting House.

We have MESSY CHURCH on Sunday 16th  too -- DO come to St John's - Families and individuals of all ages and all denominations or none welcome .. A special Easter Celebration - That the Love of God goes on and is for all.  3.30pm-5.30pm. Includes hot meal.

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