
Friday 1 September 2017

1 Aug: Talk: Wildflower Walks around Settle - at St John's, Settle

Did you miss the Talk on Wildflower Walks around Settle?

This is a report on the  Illustrated Talk "Wildflower Walks around Settle" held on 1 Aug 2017.

Twenty three people came altogether including myself who gave the talk and Wendy (Refreshment maker) and Michael - Projectionist. - So a big thank you to Mike and Wendy.

I displayed my photo-greeting cards, and invited donations for the Rainforest Fund. We made £63 om the evening plus donations of £5 and £10 that were given because people saw I was running the event.  = £78   

Again thank you for these donations - That's almost £100 enough to save an acre of rainforest!.

Just remember, we live at a time when between 97% and 99% of all the larger animals on land (weight wise) are human beings and their domestic animals.. So there is not much space left for wild animals.. The human population is still set to increase by another quarter by 2050, and peoples lifestyles demand from the environment.  SO I hope the £78 we raised can go to good use for protecting habitat.

We the land around Settle is farmed, - mainly sheep and cattle-  but some areas are "low intensive" with some natural plants and wildflowers surviving. Average and intensive fields contain mostly Ryegrass. 

Cliffs and ravines provide good places for wild plants Road verges and tracks-sides often proved much more botanically rich habitats than their adjacent fields.

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