
Sunday 3 September 2017

Coffee morning for MCS to raise awareness and reduce plastic in the sea

Updated in Oct:- We made £100 at this event. A big thank you to all who contributed.
Tue 5 Sep 10-12
St John’s
Methodist Church, Settle
, BD24 9JH
Directions: From Settle Petrol Garage, go under the viaduct, walk for 1 minute (100metres); the church is behind the red brick bungalow on your left.
In Aid of:-
Marine Conservation Society and their campaign to
Reduce Plastic in the Sea
By 2050 There will be more plastic in the Sea than fish. (If current trends continue)
Whales are dying because they eat plastic bags - which fill their stomachs and they then starve
Tiny fragments of plastic attract algae, The plastic with the algae are eaten by tiny sea creatures which are eaten by larger fish and then end up on our plates of fish & chips

Eight Actions to reduce plastic waste:
1. Write to your MP and supermarket to ask that drinks should only be sold in returnable bottles.
2. Take part in the Great British Beach Clean 15-17 Sept
3. Don’t flush Wet Wipes down the Loo
4. Sign the petition for clearer labelling by retailers about products such as Wet Wipes
5. Reduce, Reuse and Recycle plastic - but best of all Refuse!!
6. Don’t buy bottled water. Water is fine from the tap.
7. Take the Plastic Challenge - See how many days you can go without using single-use plastic
8. Join the Marine Conservation Society  

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