
Wednesday 4 October 2017

Provisional Programme: for Nidderdale Moorland Festival Lichens Workshop 8 October
Please Book and meet at Lofthouse Memorial Hall,
Grid Ref: 

(You are welcome to bring a couple of specimens with you from home to contribute to our display. Then you can learn the name of two lichens from where you live!)
Meet Lofthouse Memorial Hall Car Park. 

10am: Meet.  Coffee.
If you have brought a lichen specimen from home, we will put it on display.

10.10 Introductions.

10.20 Search for crustose lichens on the wall around the car park and Hall using hand-lenses

10.40: Illustrated talk"What are lichens? Lichen Structure; etc"

11.30; Model lichen
11.45: Lichen Chart
12.00: Short walk to bridge, and returen
12. 30: Lunch (Outside if fine, back at hall if wet)
1.30:  Short Moorland wall. We will drive there)
3.30: Return to hall. Continue with charts
4pm: depart.

 ( Book for the lichen day here )

More pictures coming later today.

Crustose lichens as  seen under a handlens
yellow:  Candellariella vitellina
Pale grey with black futing bodies in concentric circles: Rhizocarpon reductum

Hypogymnea - a foliose lichen

(Côte de Lofthouse  - see a cyclists view)

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