
Thursday 17 October 2019

Rainforest Fund Coffee Morning Tue 5 Nov 2019 - All welcome

Thank you to all who supported our 2019 Rainforest Fund Coffee Morning at St John's 10am-noon
We made, rounding things off: £125 from the coffee and £45 from the cards - total £170
The picture is a little "atmospheric" due to using the camera
which was very cold straight away in a warm room.

If we can raise £100 that will buy 1 acre of Rainforest in South America through World Land Trust.. (A local Trust run by the local people then manages the land as forest, rather than cutting it down)

How much is 1 acre?
1 acre = Settle Market place incl. Town Hall and Shambles
1 acre = Whitefriars car park plus garage

£100 = The cost of two pairs of trainers - or one pair if you get expensive ones. (How is one acre that cheap?!!)

(Orang utan rainforest in Borneo costs much more
than this)

If we could raise £200 it would be great.

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