
Wednesday 15 April 2020

Settle Wildflowers - Day 5 - Pink

Flowers on our exercise walks round Settle and Craven. 

Here are two wildflowers that lots of people have noticed and pointed out to me recently:  including beside riverside footpaths.
And a third flower that you may not have noticed  has bloomed overhead

On the ground: Butterbur and Lady's Smock.

Butterbur is a member of the daisy / dandelion family.  That means that the heads are made up of lots of tiny flowers. From a distance it may look a little like a hyacinth in structure but close examination of the "flowers" show that they are made up of scores of tiny flowers each with 5 petal tips. 

The flowers come out before the leaves- but the flowers are now turning to fruit and the leaves are shooting up, and will become as big a rhubarb leaves.

It grows on riverside banks and roadsides

Lady's Smock has many other names, according to which part of the country you live: Milkmaids; Cuckooflower, Mayflower.  It is a member of the cress family and has four petals.

Ash flowers - end of March -First the two pronged stigmas show (above) 

Then on April below the stalks bearing the dark maroon anthers elongate and the anthers open and shed the pollen.

Click here for  index of flowers coming out around Settle  or click on "Newer post" below -very bottom left - for the next post

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