
Sunday 14 June 2020

Settle Wildflowers - Day 45 - White 10 - Rose family - & edible

1. Wild Strawberry - Fragaria vesca

These pictures if wild strawberries were taken on 3 May -  some flowers have now turned into strawberries! 

Look at the down-turned flower that has lost its petals. There are five big sepals and then five small sepals. It is a feature of the Rose family that there are often two sets of sepals.

2. Raspberry: Rubus idaeus

Raspberry - Lord's Wood 31 May

Raspberry - next to viaduct at Settle Petrol Garage The anthers have turned brown. See all the styles in the centre.

3. Dewberry: - Rubus caesius

These look like brambles.  Indeed there are many species of bramble, or at least subspecies. Dewberries have fewer drupelets and they have a waxy bloom. The leaves have three leaflets. The stems have a waxy bloom. - I need to check back in August to make sure they do have fewer drupelets and a waxy bloom... But thinking about it, most of the "Blackberries" near me produce fruit with disappointingly just a few druplelets- so are probably Dewberries.

Dewberry at Lord's Wood 31 May

By contrast this shoot was growing near Langcliffe. It is a Rubus fruticosus agg. (Some species of Bramble) It has five leaflets per leave, its stem is not glaucous and it is no where near ready to flower yet. 

Click here for  more flowers coming out around Settle

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