
Monday 31 August 2020

Settle Wildflowers - Day 73 - Green 6 - Sun Spurge, Greater Plantain, Marchantia polymorpha and more in Upper Settle

It is nearly three months since I was on colour "Green" - on 8 June  - as I walked past the Green in Upper Settle to the start of Mitchell Lane where I saw the Good King Henry.  

One month ago - 3 August - I walked up the road from Watery  Lane to the Green where I met Sally, Ken and Angela from Craven Conservation Group and saw these plants, which are still there.  Between the Green and the Start of Watery Lane we recorded 60 species of flowering plant! Here are some green ones:

If you would like to join me for a walk around Settle or nearby do get in touch!  I would be especially happy to show people the plants in the streets of fields or gardens near where they live. 

1. Sun spurge: Euphorbia helioscopia which I found after our Craven Conservation Group walk in Upper Settle on 3 August

It was growing at the foot of the garden walls beside the road just above Watery Lane.

1a. Marchantia polymorpha- Common Liverwort

OK its not a flower, its a thallose liverwort  - but it's big and pretty.

Looking down to the Watery Lane Turn-off

2. Rat's-tail Plantain - Plantago major

This is on the Green itself. See the hill beyond.

3.  Lesser Meadow Rue - Thalictrum minus 
This was in Ken and Angela's garden . OK it's here as a garden plant.  One day I might find some if I climb up to Attermire or Victoria Cave -- yes there are still some places I haven't walked to yet!!.

Thalictrum minus - Lesser Meadow-rue

3a.  Lunularia cruciata : Crescent-cup Liverwort 
In a flowerpot in their garden we found another liverwort: 

Can you see the two crescent moon shaped receptacles which contain green dis-like gemmae (things which drop off and form new plants vegetatively)

Same picture - just learned how to do oval crops 

I looked in to the Telephone Box Gallery On The Green to see what exhibition was up this month:  Ah it's a theme on the Colour Pink:   Do pop in if you are on the Green. in Upper Settle 

In the telephone box: Current Exhibition till  11 Sept; Alison Medd and Paul Rogers: Talking Pink

The Exhibition from September to November is 12 September – 6 November 2020 is "Frontline Faces"- 
The portraits in this exhibition by Julie Sobczak honour the true heroes of the Covid-19 pandemic – the people who put their own safety at risk to look after us all.

For the rest of September there are still Flowerpot People on the Green: 

We carried on up to Mitchell Lane. This is the view back down onto Upper Settle 

We carried on up to Mitchell Lane. This is the view back down onto Upper Settle 

4. Aphanes arvensis-  Parsley Piert - Which I found in June but is still around. It is tiny. this was on a well trodden path up to Lower Winskill on 12 June. But it may well be on the footpaths up above Upper Settle too

I went back to Upper Settle on 3 Sept to check all the plants are there. Yes they are. AND I refound another green plant, a special grass called: Compressed Meadow Grass in a couryard entrance beside the Green.. but that plant is for Day 74.

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