
Sunday 20 December 2020

Settle Wildflowers - Day 99 - Blue 17: - Trailing Bellflower and Adria Bellflower. Happy Shortest Day

                        HAPPY SHORTEST DAY (21 Dec)

Mon 21 Dec is shortest day: in Settle sun rises at 8.26 and sun sets at 15.48 giving 7 hours 21 min daylight.

(For the sake of my diary I will add that Settle escaped the Tier 4 that London and the south is now locked down at since yesterday. Craven is at High Alert - essentially Tier 2 -  In England Instead of having 5 days we were told that we could meet up on (- and then only 3 bubbles) , everywhere  we are now only allowed to "Meet" on Christmas Day itself. I am organising meals (when requested) for people on Christmas Day who would have liked to have come to Settle Community Christmas Day Meal - which is of course not taking place this year
We are 117 Covid cases per day this week in Craven. Two of my friends ( aged > 80) had a Covid Vaccination last week and three more are booked for this week which is encouraging.)

Back to flowers:

20 December - I will have to work hard to find new flowers. 

I set off to look for two Campanulas I have found on New Year's Day Plant Hunts in the past 2016: (They are garden escapes and come from Jugoslavia as was). In the end I find them.. and four more new flowers.. I will save some of these for "Day 100"  See info on New Years Day Plant Hunt 2021

I will have to work hard because it is the shortest day. Well tomorrow 21st Dec is: Also I have to go to Ingleton to play my accordion in a Drive in Carol Concert by 3pm

Mon 21 Dec is shortest day: in Settle sun rises at 8.26 and sun sets at 15.48 giving 7 hours 21 min daylight.

Campanulas (1) poscharskyana   (2)  portenschlagiana

(1)=  Trailing Bellflower 

(2) =  Adria Bellflower

Trailing Bellflower:  Campanula poscharskyana :

Leaves 2-serrate, (It also has cilia on edge of blade that are 0.6mm long and look like fine teeth)

Corolla star shaped from above: diameter at apex equalling length, 

lobed 1/2 to 3/4 way to base 

Corolla slatey-blue

Trailing Bellflower:  
Campanula poscharskyana
 - near Settle Station

Adria Bellflower: portenschlagiana

Leaves 1-serrate 9 (Though Poland says 2 dentate) It has cila that are 0.1mm long ie too small to see) and some leaves are more kidney shaped.

Corolla funnel-shaped from above: diameter at apex much < length 

lobed 1/4 to 2/5 way to base 

Corolla violet-blue

Back road behind St John's Terrace on Church Street - Railway line ahead.


These were at a different place - the leaves look more incised.                         


I continue on Station Road to the Allotments. Here I find, on the verge next to the road in the allotments

Borage.  Borago officinalis

(This is different to Green Alkanet and different to Lungwort)


20 m further west, also near the road wall is

Dame's-violet - Hesperis matronalis

The basal leaves of the plant varied from almost non existent to two big clumps.


Near by are two more blue flowers - though I have recorded these before - maybe 6 months ago:
Ivy Leaved Toadflax - Cymbalaria hederifolia

And Veronica persica - Common Field Speedwell


I find two white flowers - see below - Apart from the red flower I have been saving (do you know what it is?), it means I will have something to write about on .. Day 100

Click here for more  Settle Lockdown Wildflower Walks

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