
Sunday 10 October 2021

YNU Zoom Chat Meetings

The Autumn Season the YNU Zoom Chat meetings

I am looking for 9 people to make short presentations (3min - 15 min  ) in the next three meetings.

I cannot be here on Fri 28 Oct so that meeting will not take place.
Maybe in future we could coordinate having a co-host?

I would be interested to hear of whether people prefer to have the meeting on 1st Friday of the month or a different Friday. Which date do you prefer? We changed from the 1st Friday to the 4 th  Friday partly because the YNU main Zoom presentations had changed to near the beginning of the month. However the 1st Friday is easier for me.

I would be very pleased to hear from others who are interested in taking part. So far I have only heard from One Person. Thanks R.C.


We still have not decided on the date for the next  YNU Chat meeting:

when we do have a date the link is likely to be:-

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. (If you register at 7.00pm on the meeting evening you should just get put straight through, )

The meeting includes an opportunity to meet each other from across Yorkshire in small groups (breakout groups)  and to raise other topics

If you would like to give a four to ten minutes talk at a future Chat event (even if you haven't been to a meeting before) - please contact me -  

IF time, There will also be chance for people to show pictures of animals or plants or fungi you have seen over the year seen over the year. However the discussion is expected to take up most of the time this meeting.

B) Bring ideas about what you think the YNU should/could be doing
C) Bring stories of what your Local Natural History Society has been doing.
(If you want to guarantee a slot to talk for more than 2 or 3 minutes, it would be good to email me first)



The YNU holds two types of Zoom meetings:  Speaker Meetings and Chat Meetings:

1. Zoom Speaker Meetings 

Over Autumn and winter The YNU is holding Zoom Speaker Meetings about once a month.  The next Speaker meeting is

 Record of past YNU Zoom Chat Meetings

These include three to four  short (4-5 minute) talks and also the opportunity to meet members from across Yorkshire in small groups (breakout groups)

The first Zoom Chat meeting was held on 26 Feb 2021 :Members attended - from Sheffield to Croft (near Darlington) - from Scarborough to Settle. From Pocklington to Barnsley.  We had talks on Moths, St Kilda, Microscopic Freshwater Life and more. 

The second was held on 12 March 2021: Talks were given on: Freshwater life under the high power microscope (videos); Four Ferns in Four Minutes; The history of the YNU in 10 minutes; and a talk on Wild Orchid Propagation.

The third one on Friday 26 March presented talks on Blowwells and Bryozoa, Gooseberries in hedgerows, Accessing previous editions of the Naturalist online  and hibernating bats.

The fourth one on 9 April included talks on Plant Galls, Fossils (by a 12 year old) Bee-flies and Pillwort in Yorkshire.

 The fifth one was held on 23 April
It included talks on:
  • Sawflies
  • Pasque flower in East Yorkshire and the project on ex-situ propagation
  • Wild Tulips in Yorkshire

  They are open to members of the YNU and members of affiliated societies.  They start at 7.30pm (doors open at 7.15).

Tethredo vespa


Athalia rosea - Turnip Sawfly

The sixth one 7 May featured a talk on

  • Moonwort and Adders-tongue in Yorkshire by by Barry White.
The seventh on 21 May featured:
The Meadow Cranesbill-Weevil - Please all YNU members lookout for it next month (late June- July) and send us your records
Pictures from the YNU Bryological section visit to Scoska Wiid, Littondale on 8 May this year. Yorkshire's Celtic (ish) rainforest!

The eighth meeting on Fri 4 June featured Roy Crossley (A former president of the YNU) on Dolichopodidae - Longlegged Flies in a short talk.

Antennaria dioica
The 9th Zoom chat Meeting was held on Fri 18 June and featured:
Falgunee Sakar (Fal) on 
1. Conservation of Mountain Everlasting Flower in Upper Teesdale
Fal on 
YNU Duncombe Park
2. Worshipping Trees in India
Judith Allinson- 
3. Photos from the YNU Trip to Duncolme Park, Helmsley last week

The tenth YNU Zoom Chat Meeting was held on 2nd July and featured:-
1. The Wild Ingleborough Project by Paul Brady - 
2. Meadow Cranesbill Weevil part 2. by Robert Hall

Paul Brady has recently started (along with 3 colleagues) working on the Wild Ingleborough Project based out of Selside and says: "The project aims to have a continuous piece of land (over 1000ha) from the River Ribble up to the summit that is enhanced for wildlife, increasing biodiversity, improving soil, air and water quality.  We hope to connect people to this landscape, improve access and enhance people's understanding of the work we are doing.

More information can be found here - Wild Ingleborough: a vision for the future | Yorkshire Wildlife Trust ( 

The YNU Zoom Chat meetings took place every fortnight in Spring early summer 2021. They had a break over summer

The Eleventh YNU Zoom Chat Meeting took place on Friday 1st October 2021: 7.30pm:

This Meeting also acted as a Natural Sciences Forum Meeting.
A) Bring pictures of special Animals/Plants/ Fungi you have seen over summer to share
B) Bring ideas about what you think the YNU should/could be doing
C) Bring stories of what your Local Natural History Society has been doing.

The Twelfth   YNU Zoom Chat Meeting took place on Friday 5 November. 
Royanne Wilding gave a talk on tiny animals found on Mosses.
Falgunee Sakar (Fal) gave a summary of the talk she is going to give for the BSBI (England) AGM conference on working with Blind people to share identifying plants. 

The thirteenth YNU Zoom Chat Meeting took place on Friday 3 December. 

There were two short set talks:
Joyce and Paul Simmons: "Fungi in an Alms Houses lawn-that-is-over-160-years-old"
Falgunee Sakar (Fal) "Tussock grass in South Georgia"

The fourteenth YNU Zoom Chat Meeting took place on Friday 7 January.
This was a general chat meeting - we discussed topics from recording to Lepidoptera to Culm grassland.

THe fiftheenth YNU Zoom Chat Meeting  took place on Friday 4 Feb 2022: 7.30pm: 

The main feature of this evening was  a 
Discussion on Recording in Yorkshire to be led by Alastair Fitter. 

This was a special Zoom Chat Meeting we concentrated our Discussion on one Topic:- Recording in Yorkshire. 

Alastair  Fitter will introduce the topic:-

Conservation and Natural History in Yorkshire

The then Yorkshire Naturalists’ Trust was founded in 1946 and is now renamed The Yorkshire Wildlife Trust. Many of the founders were well-known naturalists, people such as Clifford Smith, Douglas Hincks, Wentworth Ping and EW Taylor. Others such as Joan Duncan and Joyce Payne were also very active YNT members. Is that still true today? Or are the naturalist and conservationist communities travelling somewhat parallel paths?   In truth, we are a single community with a common interest, in ensuring that the nature of Yorkshire is as rich as possible.

Conservation depends on naturalists to discover what is where. I have been surprised to discover how patchy is the information that YWT holds on its reserves. Some are very well documented (Spurn, Potteric, Brockadale, Askham etc), but others seem to be little studied. There also seem not to be well-established channels to ensure that records flow to (and from) YWT. Without those records, management of reserves may be ill-founded, undermining plans to ensure that Yorkshire becomes nature-rich.

I want to explore ways in which YNU members can help to ensure that the natural history of YWT (and other) nature reserves in Yorkshire is better understood. I think that will bring obvious mutual benefits – some pastures new for the recorders and some valuable information for conservation.

ccg south house 20120530 Sedum villosum by judith allinson   Craven Conservation Group recording at South House Pavement on Ingleborough   Craven conservation Group recording Potentilla cranzii at South House Pavement on by 20120530 by Judith Allinson  

The 16 Zoom Chat meeting held on 4th March was a conversation between a small number of people who came. The next meeting (1 April) will be the last meeting this spring. We will stop for a summer break, and consider restarting in Autumn.  Enjoy the summer, and the Summer Field Meetings

Afraid of using Zoom? 

Some of you might like to have a practice using Zoom before the meeting and to have a go at "Share Screen" and learn what more of the buttons do in Zoom.  I (Judith) am very happy to hold practice sessions first with members who would like to have one. 

Example YNU Zoom Chat Programme  

7.15: "Assemble"  - i.e. 6.45 

7.30: Official start

7.35: Breakout Groups: we will divide into groups according to interest this evening: 1) Birds, 2) Higher Plants,  4) Insects  5) mammals other suggestions? contact me.

7 45: One planned short talk of 4 to 8 min each plus 5 min each for discussion

8:00 Chat and Pictures

8.35: Coffee Break

8.45: Announcements

8.50: More discussion/ Photos by anyone else

9:00: Plan the next event.

9:15: Finish

For more details contact

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