
Saturday 5 June 2021

Day 4 - 30 Days Wild 2021 - Eco-Explorers visit Malham Tarn - and Judith finds YNU Meadow Cranesbill Weevil at YWT Globeflower Wood

On Friday 4 June only one family came, plus us leaders as the other families had gone away for half term - but we had a lovely time, and it is a superb time to visit the boardwalk at Malham Tarn Fen. It is a National Nature Reserve and Ramsar site.

Eco-Explorers is a group started in 2019 whereby families meet and do nature activities together - it is organised through Churches Together in Settle and district. We are keen to hear from more people in the Settle area who might like to join us for walks.

Photographing the Globe-Flowers

The Goldilocks Buttercups are still out up here. They always have one petal deformed.

Two insectivorous plants:

Sundew (Closeup)

Butterwort - Actually seen near Watersinks

Three young ash trees (planted a while after the previous mature ash trees got ring barked in 1979) have just been felled - see stump in centre of  picture. They got Ash - Dieback
Doplotomma alboatrum- a lichen on the barn opposite Shepherds Cottage

Globe Flower Wood

I had learned about Meadow Cranesbill Weevils at a YNU Zoom Chat meeting from Robert Hall of Wensleydale  and Yoredale Naturalists - So when I saw a Wood Cranesbill just coming into flower outside Globveflower Wood and the flowers looked tatty - I suddenly realised who would be inside the flower:-

Zacladus geranii    

A buttercup nearby also attracting insects

Here is a Coal-tit that the boys saw near their house two days earlier

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