
Tuesday 1 June 2021

Settle Wildflowers - Day 113 - Meadow Saxifrage - and morning 31 May 2020 Walk via Langcliffe

Last year 2020 I presented Meadow Saxifage on 18 May (two weeks earlier than this year) and then it was a photo from a friend.

I found this flower on 31 May in the fields where I often look for it, just below the path from Langcliffe Village - Pike Lane - down to the track by the railway down to the Hoffman Kiln. It was on a steeper slope near the railway.

One year I found lots of it in several of these fields - somehow the sheep must have been removed at the critical time. Hard searching on this day revealed two single flowers and a clump of six flowers - that is all. I was pleased to be able to show them to a passing family with c three children.

Here are some more pictures from my walk that morning.

Path down to river Ribble - dead ash sapling in front of Copper Beech

We might have had the wettest
beginning of May- the river
has gone down again quickly

I say the sycamore leaves start to come out on 16 April and once thought they fisnished on 16 May but that they really di finsih by 31 May. today is 31 May. These are the two sycamores by the river - the one on the right is the one with yellow kite tape in it.

I took this photo to show that the Marsh Marigold (near centre of picture) is still out (Had an earlier picture in April)

Lesser Pond Sedge  Carex acutiformis

Jack by the hedge- now in fruit by the Paper Mill

Sweet Cicileyis at its best this week

What splendid well cared for allotments

Caloplaca holocarpa (Lichen) on sandstone stone beside a stile

And finally the meadow saxifrage

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