
Wednesday 23 June 2021

Settle Wildflowers Day 116 - Day 23 of 30 Days Wild - The Joy of Getting up early


5.30am - Although the sun is "up" this part of the valley is still in shade. The newly shorn sheep shelter by the wall, at the side of the newly shorn (just yesterday) meadow.

The River Ribble is low

The sun has come out now - Note the state of this young ash  tree.

Looking back into the sun.

At Stackhouse a field full of White clover - and a Foxglove at the edge

Foxglove and Ox-eye daisies beside the water tank

The Anomodon viticulosus moss on this wall
is very dry and dead in the middle of the patch

Lambs tails on a wall at Stackhouse

Not quite sure what this lichen is. It looks a little bit like a cross between Aspicilia contorta and Squamalina cartilaginea

Toad rush - rather dry in a dry cart rut.

I found some Farnoldia jurana lichen on some scree. 

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