
Monday 12 June 2023

11 June: Sunday: Keasden to Newby 150 Anniversary Walk 30 Days Wild

Keasden Church and Newby Methodist chapel are both celebrating their 150th anniversaries in 2023.

A walk was designed to celebrate this from Keasden Church along footpaths across the valley across Clapham Common/Newby Moor  to Newby Methodist Church. starting at 11 and finishing at 2pm. Thirty souls set off and approximately thirty souls arrived.. (well a few more - tea was being prepared at the other end) And do dogs have souls? We had at least four dogs.

Revd John Davies welcomed us at Keasden Church. We sang "Morning has broken"  and the organist played "All things Bright and Beautiful" as we left the building.

We set off west from Keasden church, to Reebys Farm next door, then north west, then north till we reached a very steep slope down to Skew Bridge (distance 2km)

(Link to video to be inserted here)

We crossed the Wenning at Skew Bridge, then crossed the railway  and walked up to Lower Hardacre (1/2km). Judith Dawson was leading us, Then we turned right (east) for 1 km onto Clapham Common till we came to High Hazle Hall Farm. Here the McSherrys offered us a glasses of water or cups of tea and seats to sit on.(and Loos - thanks) 

- Half Way. (total 3  1/2 km)

Then it was 1 km north. this involved  passing a pool, ascending to 177m  then descending a surprisingly steep slope down to the old Ingleton Railway track and across onto a minor road (which links Newby to Clapham Station) . We followed this miner road over the scenic Crook Bridge with Yellow Flag on either side., and walked up to the Bentham road - newly surfaced. (total 4 1/2 km). - quiet except for a cyclist resting admiring the view.

1km to go: We walked east along the Bentham road for 1/4 km then turned north and followed a footpath through two big fields, one with yellow rattle, the second without. (1/2 km).

Then we took our lives in our hand and crossed the very busy A65. and walked the last 1/4 km through the farm and village to Newby Chapel: 

We arrived at 1.30pm - 30 min ahead of schedule!!! (having left Keasden Church at c 11.15

Total 5.5 km - -- with extra wiggles this is be 4 miles.

Leaving Reebys Farm

Descending to Skew Bridge across the Wenning

Descending to Skew Bridge across the Wenning

Skew Bridge across the Wenning

(Videos to be inserted here)

Wanted- A picture of us resting at Maggie and Kevin's at Hazle Farm

We walked 1/4 km uphill from Hazle Farm then had this view onwards. (By then I was at the back.. yet  again) 

View from near the same place, but with Heath Bedstraw, Wavy Hairgrass and Mat-grass in the foreground

(at the back because I was always stopping to photograph flowers..

Ragged Robin

Yellow flag

Carrying the Newby Church banner

Scenic bridge at Crook Beck  (Ingleborough in distance)

Yellow Rattle Field

Newby Chapel

Newby Chapel

A big thank you to the organisers and the tea makers!!.

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