
Wednesday 14 June 2023

13 June 2023: Leading the Malham Tarn Fen Day for the Wildlife Walks course at Scargill

 Lisa Chadwick and Hugh  have run this Monday to Friday Course for may years at Scargill House - but this is the first year after a three year break due to Covid. 

We had really hot sunny weather today - Tuesday 13 June

Here are some pictures:

Look the Hawthorn is in full flower . 

Standing on a bridge

Leaning over the rail of the middle bridge looking at a dragon/damselfly

Marsh Lousewort

A while orchid - possibly D incarnata??

This is a hybrid Dactylorhiza - maybe D purpurella and D majalis (Northern Marsh Orchid x Broad leaved Marsh Orchid) or it might have some D fuchsii (Common spotted) in it.

Either way what interested me was the Rust fungus on the leaves.
It is probably Arum rust: Puccinia sessilis

I have a similar photo of myself taken ... years ago (I'm not going to say how many years ago - I must have been about 12 then) .. See in the photo below the trees have been felled and young larch trees/ conifers, are now starting to grow. When I worked at the Feild Centre we used to tell the students "The larch trees are a nursery crop and will be removed in due course to let the hardwoods grow." and indeed they were

The group walk beside the Tarn

The group walk beside the Tarn

Another photo of Hawthorn in full bloom on 13 June.

I try out the folding chair.

 I hope the group enjoy the rest of their stay.

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