
Friday 23 June 2023

22 June 2023- Thursday - Yet more lichens along Langcliffe High Road Caloplaca ochracea 30 Days Wild

Thursday Day 23 of 20 Days Wild found me finally doing a couple of urgent jobs that had needed doing for ages, getting material prepared for the coming Grasses and Sedges course this weekend at Blencathra,  and (maybe a distraction activity)- trying to keep the living room the house tidier than it was  half an hour ago.  - I set a pinger to keep reminding myself of this every half hour. I did not go out for lunch. I stuck at my jobs. It was hot and sunny, but I kept the curtains closed.  I also wrote a list of "not to do things" which included lichens, and to keeping the modem switched off.

By 4pm I had achieved some things..  AND I really needed some vitamin D and some exercise.

Perhaps I could just go along the Langcliffe high road just for an hour  and look at the lichens (again in SD8264 - the same square as last week - which now had the third highest score. of 58.) and revisit the seat I had visited a few years ago.

It was hot and sunny. The lane is a good kilometre long- and bordered on both sides by the old limestone wall that had lost of extra sandstone stones in it.

I think my best find was a patch (and only one) of this:-

Caloplaca ochracea

I parked just off the main road, at the beginning of Langcliffe High Road (Langcliffe end) . At the beginning, on the gate post of Langcliffe Hall was some Opegrapha gyrocarpa- this is the second time I have seen it fruiting now.

Opegrapha gyrocarpa fruiting

The seat. It has new "wood" made of plastic.

Some of the dark fruited Lecanora was Lecanora campestris - both on the sandstone in the wall, under the shade of the tree - greywacke, and on the concrete side of the seat arms.

Also on several of the acid rocks was Lecanora rupicola

Lecanora rupicola

Lecanora rupicola

Lecanora rupicola on the right,
young Ochrolechia parella on the left.

A bit further along on acid rock was Caloplaca crenularia

The score for SD8464 is no 67 - it is the winning Monad. 

On the wooden gate was Parmelina pastillifera

Physcia caesia and Parmelina pastillifera

Parmelina pastillifera

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