
Saturday 4 November 2023

Justice for Palestinians Vigil in Settle on 4 Nov 2023

 Today, 4 November, I attended the Justice for Palestinians vigil in Settle.  We stood on the side of the market place from 12.30pm to 2.30pm

There were about 30 of us (But I read The Met Police estimate there were 30,000 in central London alone.)

The Israeli military says that 242 people are being held hostage by Hamas. And about 1400 were killed in the initial Hamas attack on 7 October.

Yet now within one month, 9000 - mostly innocent - Palestinians have been killed -but including some members of Hamas.  And the other million plus are living in the horror of the bombing, lack of food, water, injuries, loss of relatives due to death etc.

Two wrongs don't make a right. 

We cannot stand back and let the Palestinians undergo even more suffering.  (If for no other reason than "It will bounce back" - people in the future will look back and say "Why did you not help the Palestinians?")

Annie suggested at the beginning that we made a large circle and those who had something to say in turn could say it. Many very interesting points were made.


On 18 November (two weeks time) there are to be two talks at the Friends Meetings House organised by the group "Three Peaks for Palestine" at their annual awareness/fundraising day, when they sell soup, coffee and  Palestinian Olive Oil and Dates.   I have been to some of these in the past and learned more how the Israelis are encroaching on the Palestinian land in the West Bank.  The Palestinians were there before modern Israel was formed 

Here is a useful potted history at  

Sat 18  Nov

Three Peaks for Palestine

Quaker Meeting House Settle. 10.00-3.00 pm

Talks by

Robert Cohen

who used to live in Bentham with his wife, Rev Anne Russell and family. You may have heard him and remember what a clear, thought provoking and compassionate speaker he is on the complexities of relations between Israelis and Palestinians. Robert is chair of the Amos Trust. (

11.00am Reflection on the terrible events in Israel & Gaza which began on 7 Oct - their   background and immediate consequences.  

1.00pm Suggestions how best Jews, Palestinians & their allies can work together.

All day: coffee, cakes, soup and sale of Zaytoun Palestinian farm products such as olive oil and dates.


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