
Sunday 8 September 2024

Settle Wildflowers 150: Flowers still out at Malham Tarn Fen on Friday 30 August 2024

I went up to the Tarn to look for Epilobium palustre on the sunny evening of Friday 30 August.

Here are some more plants I found still in flower (or some just over).

This that I have not yet recorded in this year;s facbook posts I label New1 New2 etc.

The Reed - Phragmites australis  (New 1)

Saw-wort  (New 2)

Fen Bedstraw (New 3)

Sneezewort - but I'm going to "keep that" fro Helwith Bridge Moss

Grass of Parnassus (New 4)

Ling Heather  Calluna vulgaris (New 5)

Pul Homes Pool. I can see some Bladderwort buds just coming above the water level. (New 6)

Potamogeton leaf

Carex appropinquata  (Maybe fruit rather than flowers) (New 7)

Marsh cinquefoil definitely over. (New 8)

Cross leaved Heath (New 9)

Sundew - fruit rather than flowers (New 10)

I still have a few more to add.
Another day.

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