
Tuesday 13 March 2012

Lichens of Malham Tarn House 2

 Allan Pentecost led a tour of the House on 25 Feb 2012- see The Lichens of Malham Tarn House Part 1  for the introduction to this tour.

 We start on the East facing side of the house - sandstone.
Looking at Candelariella vitellina and the flamentous green alga Klebsormidium crenulatum (Nuisance alga)

Klebsormidium crenualatum close up

Candelariella vitellina  yellow crustose lichen on acid rocks

Now at the front of the house - south facing - there is Acarospora fuscata

The brown on he right is the Acarospora fuscata and the black dots to thel left are a Lecidia
To be named shortly 1 - possibly more Candelariella vitellina

Lepraria incana?
Looking at Lecanora intricata

Lecanora intricata

Fuscidia sp
Fuscidia sp

Porpidia tuberculosa - Cigarette Ash Lichen again

Rhizocarpon reductum

Rhizocarpon reductum

Rhizocarpon reductum

We have turned the corner and are now at the West facing wall - that you see as you come up the drive. See the waste bin on the left.

There is some Caloplaca citrina here.

Caloplaca citrina on the plasterwork

Lecanora albescens with a little Caloplaca citrina

Physcia caesia on the windowsill

We are looking at the Virginia Creeper.

Physcia orbicularis on the Virginia creeper.

Physcia orbicularis and other species on the Virginia creeper.

The small pink-brown dots  are Protoblastenia rupestris on plaster near the Virginia creeper

 Protoblastenia rupestris on plaster near the Virginia creeper

 Protoblastenia rupestris on plaster

 Protoblastenia rupestris on plaster 

Ramalina fastigiata quite impressive on the trunk - in summer it may be more shaded by leaves.

Looking at Psilolechia lucida

Psilolechia lucida

Psilolechia lucida

Psilolechia lucida
Back to the courtyard.

Other lichens posts:

  1. Lichens of Malham Tarn House - 2    29 February 2012
  2. Lichens of Malham Tarn House - 1    29 February 2012
  3. Lichens of Malham Tarn Fen - with Allan Pentecost 29 February 2012
  4. Lichens flourescent in bonfire light  5 Nov 2011
  5. Opal Lichens Settle    CCG walk led by myself -  2 April 2011
  6. Algae (and Lichens) for Beginners - Malham Walk with Allan Pentecost August 2009
  7. Lichens Day at Giggleswick Churchyard with Mark Seaward 14 June 2009

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