
Wednesday 19 December 2012

What are your New Year Resolutions for 2013?

The New Year is a great time to make a new start. 
I had fun in the past planning topics for resolutions for CEL's website

Which of these resolutions could you make?
1. Get Fit and avoid obesity2. Singing3. Improver your Speaking skills4. Improve your Listening skills5. Get your church to save rainforest
6.  Master
the magic of
a) Mosses,
b) Moths
c) Mammals and more..marvels of nature
7. Take Old People on Nature Trips8. Count your blessings!9. Campaign10. …….. your suggestion?
11. Join CEL12. Get CEL free News email13. Get CEL Prayer Diary free14. Set up a CEL group15. Prioritise
16. Donate to the rainforest project17. Promote your event18. Display CEL leaflets19. Become more (dis)ability aware / inclusive20. Organise a LOAF meal

Or maybe you would be best just going for a walk in the fresh air, and leaving the computer...

Have fun planning your own New Year Resolutions.
All the best for 2013

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