
Sunday 21 July 2013

Bog-Day 2013 display at Settle and Age UK

28th July 2013 is International Bog Day.

On Friday 19th July  Settle Age UK Lunch Club 
had booked me to give a talk on wild flowers...
So guess what the topic was!
.... The brilliance of bog plants -- leading to International Bog Day

In this post I recount some of my adventures in organising the talk.

and give them thanks for helping me make the display..

The display will be there for other groups who use the Hall.

I got up early and collected a few samples of some (not rare)  bog plants from two nearby bogs - Helwith Bridge and Ribblehead. It was SO hot.!
The Bog Asphodel was in perfect condition - the flowers just coming out.
 Then at Ribblehead some men were repairing the bridge

After the meal at St John's, Settle, I got the people to talk about the uses of bogs. then we stuck some of the plants onto sheets to put on the wall and onto cards to make greetings cards:

Read my post about International Bog Day and Malham Tarn Fen and Peat Bog

Read my post about the event which actually took place at Malham Tarn on 27-28 July 2013

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