
Wednesday 17 July 2013

International Bog Day -28 July - Malham Tarn Bog and Fen

28 July is International Bog Day (and there will be events below on 27th and 28th)
(also see press release)

(For a Picture Report of the event which eventually took place 28-29 July 2013 at Malham Tarn  click here)

Now you may think bogs are dangerous damp places with pools full of green bog-moss where you can trip up and fall in.

Well yes they can be..

But this time of year Malham bog is relatively dry - and the event described below  will be a (free) opportunity to find out the magic secrets of the Moss.

Find out the top ten secrets of Malham Tarn Bog: (I am going to write this section shortly when I have time...)
10. Bog Mosses: Sphagna- There are 34 different types of Bog-Moss in the UK and Malham Tarn is home to half of them!  (This is quite amazing, as in the South Pennines there are only about 6 types of Bog-Moss as most species have disappeared due to air pollution during the Industrial Revolution)
The rare Cleft bog-moss Sphagnum riparium (yellow green) (click for distribution map)
and common Blunt-leaved bog-moss Sphagnum palustre (seen here with orange centre) (map)
grow on Malham Tarn Fen 
----I will make a display of some of these.

... or maybe you should come on the walk yourself to find out!!!

To celebrate International Bog Day, and the day before 27-28 July
  Judith Allinson of Craven Conservation Group
will be leading some walks at Malham Tarn Field Centre, BD24 9PU
to Malham Tarn Moss (The Bog)
and to Malham Tarn Fen (The adjacent wetlands - of international importance for their conservation value).

This is part of the Tarntastic Celebrations at Malham Tarn
which is celebrating 70 years of the "Field Studies Council". Malham Tarn is one of 17 centres run by the FSC. which runs environment education days and courses for people of all ages and abilities.

These two days at Malham Tarn are FREE. .. so make the most of them. (and include stalls, food, music, presentations, walks and more..)

Dr Judith Allinson has also run courses for the Field Studies Council, for CIEEM, for Natural England, for Plantlife and  other organisations.
  Her next long course at Malham Tarn open to all is "Grasses Sedges and Rushes" 2-9 August

If you would like to attend or want more details, send an email

Sharon and Peter Flint of the Yorkshire Naturalists Union will be running some pond dipping sessions and will show some of their Insect Survey results that that have made using the Malaise Traps on the Fen.

Terry Whitaker of Butterfly Conservation will be setting up a moth trap on one of the evenings and we will be able to look at some of the moths which live on the Bog and Fen.

On Sunday 27th the National Trust will run a Family Day on the Fen -  Family Fun Day at Malham Tarn -  a day of fun up at Malham Tarn. We will be doing a variety of activities including pond dipping, minibeast hunts, guided cycle rides (bring your own bike & helmet), craft activities and making bird / bug houses. There will also displays and information in the newly renovated Orchid House. You have to book and pay for this. 11am-3pm Adult £5-00, child £2-50


Veronica catenata in inflow stream

Two insects doing their thing.

YNU Botany Group at Malham Tarn at YNU 150 year celebrations - July 2011

Hare's-tail Cotton-grass in May on Malham Tarn Bog

Grass-of-Parnassus- it would take rather of lot of luck to have it out by 27 July, - This photo was taken 10 Aug 2012

YNU Butterfly group photo an Emerald Moth - July 2011

Large Emerald

Large Emerald

On the Fen board-walk

Looking for sedges - One third of the British Cyperaceae (sedge family) grow within 3 miles of Malham Tarn

A Hover-fly on a devil's-bit scabious with the Bog in the right far background

A gentle walk on the Board-Walk
(For a Picture Report of the event which eventually took place 28-29 July 2013 at Malham Tarn  click here) 

Other places celebrating International Bog Day include:


Peatlands Park, N. Ireland -
International Bog Day and NI Bog Snorkelling Championships



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