
Sunday 29 March 2020

Sesleria caerulea Blue Moor-grass at Winskill Stones Plantlife reserve

March, April and Blue Moor-grass out now adorning the rocky limestone slopes above above Settle and Langcliffe with its, yes, blue flowers. The grass stems are still very short, but they will grow rapidly.  In Langcliffe and Settle we are lucky the limestone cliffs are in within easy walking distance.  (This picture was taken on 23 March)

Blue Moor-grass is easy to identify because it is the only grass in flower  in March and early April - apart from Annual Meadow-grass which flowers all year and Good Friday Grass - which is really a Woodrush -Luzula campestris. 

These photos were taken at the Plantlife Reserve: Winskill Stones
The Blue Moor-grass is in the mid distance.

In the foreground on the limestone rocks is the marmalade coloured lichen Caloplaca flavescens, and capping the rock are huge patches of white Aspicilia calcarea

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