
Wednesday 8 April 2020

May Beck near Whitby - Lichens with the BLS - March 2020 at Cober Hill, Cloughton

[Editor's prescript note added in Feb 2023:There will be a British Lichen Society Workshop Meeting at Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough  24-27 Feb 2023 and a Field meeting with Whitby Naturalists at Arncliffe Woods, Glaisdale near Whitby on Friday 24th  More details at the end of this post]

  6 March 2020: (Yes the last weeks of freedom in UK before COVID)
Join us as we walk down May Beck on the  The British Lichen Society's field day on 6 March 2020  in the North Yorkshire Moors  We are joined by a group from Whitby Naturalists
    Yorkshire had repeated record breaking repeating floods all the previous month. Now on the third fine day in a row,  we rejoice the ground is beginning to dry out a little.  
    On the 7th and 8th March (2020) we will be indoors at Cober Hill  enjoying the good food there and sharing of lichen ideas.
    Little do we know that within a fortnight the UK will be in lock-down due to Coronavirus

This is the fourth year the British Lichen Society has had a workshop at Cober Hill, Cloughton, near Scarborough.

The first year was an autumn field trip. In 2018, 2019 and this March 2020 were workshops where we brought specimens in ourselves.

We are joined by a bunch from Whitby Naturalists .. some of whom detour in the afternoon to count frogs elsewhere.

There is plenty to see on the big sandstone boulders in the car park 

Pertusaria corallina

Porpidia platycarpoides
Lecidella stigmatea

Trapelia coarctata

Trapelia coarctata seen closer

Lecidia lithophylla
Clauzadea monticola

An Ash tree by the bridge

Lecanora hybocarpa (The apothecia will have more crystals in than Lecanora chlarotera )

Thelotrema lapidinum on holly near the ash tree.

Fuscidea lightfootii
Cladonia polydactyla

Cladonia polydactyla

Waiting to find the name of this splendid fungus - Have any of the Whitby Nats people found out yet?

Cliostomum griffithii

Ochrolechia microstictoides yellow with C (not red);
diffuse soralia; on acid bark trees

Ochrolechia microstictoides yellow with C (not red). Diffuse soralia. on acid bark trees

Lecanora expallens  K  yellow; C yellow to orange red

Arthonia spadicia  Tar Spot

Dimerella pineti

This is the first time I have seen Dimerella pineti

Opegrapha ochrocheila

Opegrapha ochrocheila: the black lirellate apothecia are orange red pruinose

On the Saturday and Sunday we spend time in the workroom at Cober Hill helping each other with specimens that had been puzzling us over the year.  Thanks especially to Neil Sanderson and Brian Coppins for helping us.

On the way home I stop at a tree near the road near Hackness to the north of the Forge Valley. Over the road was Crossdales Beck, which shortly joined the River Derwent. The river Derwent and the river Aire which starts near Malham Tarn 80 miles to the east both flow into the Ouse. (This observation kinks in with other flooding items on this blog)

On the tree is Calicium viride.  It is VERY tiny. It is a pinhead lichen.

Calicium viride. 

I return home with renewed enthusiasm to continue studying my home hectad SD 86 which I started after last year's Lichen workshop...

And lots of opportunity to study the trees near where I live in exercise walks, in the five weeks before the leaves come on the trees and hide them!

Do visit the The British Lichen Society Website. Many of the events which were planned for this year (2020) will be held next year...   


Feb 2023:

There will be a British Lichen Society Workshop Meeting at Cober Hill, Cloughton, Scarborough  24-27 Feb 2023 and a Field meeting with Whitby Naturalists at Arncliffe Woods, Glaisdale near Whitby on Friday 24th  

The Friday field meeting will start at 10.30am for the Whitby Naturalists and 10.15am for the British Lichen Society - So may be the official "Introduction time" is 10.30am.
Meet Beggars Bridge Glaisdale YO21 2QL Grid ref NZ 1805472
ANY ONE INTERESTED in LICHENS or STARTING to LEARN ABOUT LICHENS is welcome, (Beginners especially in the morning). There are likely to be some complete beginners amongst the Whitby Naturalists.

I would like to arrange for a visit for a small group for any of the Whitby Naturalists and others from the area who might like to call in at the the Workshop to see what we are doing, and look at some of our specimens. If you are such a person please can you contact me so that we can fix up a time. - sometime on the Saturday or Sunday.

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