
Thursday 2 June 2022

30 Days Wild 2022: 1b: 1st Day of the month walk - wildflowers

On the first day of the month a group of us from Churches Together and from Craven Conservation Group go on a walk SOMEWHERE in  or near Settle, and spend a small part of the walk reflecting on Climate Emergency situation and responsibilities, and also on other eco-problems. Some members spend some time litter picking en route.

Looking at Bird's-eye Primrose

It was a happy walk because of the beautiful flowers. The two areas we visited now form part of the Ingleborough National Nature Reserve.

It was a privileged walk -  In much of Britain such wild nature no longer exists because of intensive farming has replaced it or because of intensive use by people for recreation, sports fields, houses etc.

It was a precious walk - these flowers only last a few weeks (maybe days) in this fine state.

It was a slightly sad walk - We use a sheet from the Pray and Fast for the climate website.

Two days ago I had watched a seminar (on The Global Church and the Fossil Fuels- recorded and now put online - pointing out

Even though more renewable energy  is now being produced than 10 years ago, the CO2 produced by fossil fuels has gone up. Fossil Fuels development are still being subsidised by governments (including the UK) and investors 

Another speaker, Rachel Mash, talked about the grab for oil in Africa - saying that (my words, and somewhat generalised - I need to watch the video again) in the order of 90 percent of the profits went to the investors from foreign countries who had invested in the oil/gas project, 10 percent to the government or to the pockets of African politicians of the African country, and the people who lived on the land got virtually nothing  and are in some cases thrown off the land. 

Religious leaders (whatever the faith) - should be holding the moral high ground and protecting God's Creation and the state of the world for our children - even ourselves - in 10 years time. What stops this? Greed, selfishness, apathy.

Right enough of sad things. 

Here is an interesting horsetail

Wood horsetail

Here is some Wood Horsetail. It has side branches on its branches. This is not common around Settle - this may be the nearest place I have seen it to Settle.

We also talked about seven of the ferns we passed, and missed talking about another three we passed. 

Day 2 of 30 Days wild is Thursday - the first of four days holiday for the Queen's Jubilee. I wonder where I will end up.

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