
Thursday 2 June 2022

30 Days Wild 2022: Day 2: Settle Queens Jubilee: ACE Settle

It is Thursday 2 June. Settle celebrates the jubilee with event on the market place. 

I go and help at Action for Climate Emergency Settle (ACE Settle) stall by bringing them 4 chairs to sit on, and sit on one of them in the sun. There are quite a few visitors to Settle, 

Including the queen..

I am sitting on one as the "town crier" announces to the "queen" and fancy dress procession that there will be a beacon lit tonight.

I visit the fire-engine next to us and one of the officers shows me what is in the "cupboards". - Cutters for cutting  metal (hydraulically powered) , a big axe,  water hoses of various sizes; firstaid kit; and many more things. A portable engine pump that need four people to move. They are recruiting - they need at least four people for a call out - and they only have 8 people at the moment.

Strong people of Settle (they welcome women as well), could you volunteer?

Down the road in Settle near the Cenotaph, Sally has painted the Churches Together Telephone Box - It looks shiny red again. I go down later and cut the dock plant and grass growing on the ground at its base - Smart for the Jubilee.

The Settle beacon is due to be lit at 9.45 (still light). However I decide instead to drive up to near Winskill Stones above Langcliffe and look to see if we can see the Ingleborough Beacon. By then it is 10pm and trying to start to rain. there are several other people. We can see a beacon on Giggleswick Scar. And we can see Ingleborough.. but not too sure about a beacon. There are lights lower on the hill of landrovers descending.

I then drive to the road to Airton, to the high point from where one can see Wales on a clear day. It is 10.40 now and getting really dark.

In the far distance to the east are the lights of Bradford (just announced to be city of culture in 2025). To the south is the sliver of the red mast of Anglezarke.  There are lights scattered but it is late now so maybe all the beacons are finished.  

It is quiet and not windy.  I hear a snipe beating its wings. It is quiet again. I go home.

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