
Sunday 18 June 2023

1b June (written for 15 June):- 1st of the Month Climate Walk to Ashes Pasture

I made two walks on 1st June - The first in the morning, written up in the correct place at 1 June - to Plantlife Reserve Winskill Stones when I happened to meet the Plantlife Warden.

And in the evening which I am writing up here, maybe in lieu of 15 June - Our monthly "Climate walk" - To Yorkshire Wildlife Trust Reserve of Ashes Pasture in Upper Ribblesdale  (see more Climate Walks here)

For two and a half years we have been holding a walk on the first of the month and promoting them through Craven Conservation Group and Churches Together in Settle and District.

Usually we use the prayer sheet provided by "Pray and Fast for the Climate".  These are very up to date, often only being put online on the day concerned. I list items on the sheet at the end of this email. from the Montreal Protocol on Ozone to the Conference on plastics in Paris, From the drought in East Africa to France's ban on short haul flights.

Well here we are admiring the Globe Flowers in the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust's Ashes Pasture. with Penyghent in the distance.

and Wood Crane's-bill in the foreground

As we walk up back to the road we notice the Wood Horsetail

Young orchid

It's getting late, but three of us make time to visit the YWT reserve at Salt Lake. It is getting really dry. We see the Brid's-eye Primrose

And I am delighted to refind the Adder's tongue. This was photographed on 1 June and there was no rain till about 18 June - So I doubt if it grew very much

On the way home to Settle I photograph a field of Buttercups at Stainforth.

The sheet for the 1st of June mentions:

1. The Montreal Protocol, signed just two years after scientists discovered a ‘hole’ in the ozone layer over Antarctica, has led to the phasing out of nearly 99% of the main ozone-depleting substances, so that the ozone layer is now on track for a full recovery..

 Many of the substances that harmed the ozone layer were also powerful greenhouse gases, and scientists believe their elimination has helped to avoid about half a degree of global warming. The new study shows that the Protocol has had a particularly positive impact on Arctic sea ice, “avert[ing] more than half a million square kilometres of Arctic summer sea ice loss by 2020 by limiting warming in the region” and delaying the first ice-free Arctic summer by about 15 years. 

Delaying, but not averting.

Pray that a growing High Ambition Coalition and its partners in business and the third sector can ensure that limits on production are included, as “we cannot recycle our way out of this mess.” Pray also, with our friends at Tearfund, that the treaty will include the perspective of waste pickers, who help to ensure that plastic gets recycled, but often work with little pay or recognition and in dangerous conditions.

Psalm 104: 25, 27-8, 31,33 Here is the sea, great and wide, which teems with creatures innumerable, living things both small and great … These all look to you, to give them their food in due season. When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are filled with good things … May the glory of the Lord endure for ever; may the Lord rejoice in his works… I will sing to the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God while I have being.

Drought in East Africa 

Moving away from fossil fuels This year, for the first time, solar power investment will outstrip investment in oil production

there are concerns that holding the next climate talks in a petroleum-producing state, with Sultan Al-Jaber, CEO of the Abu Dhabi NationalOil Company, as its president, may make progress towards phase-outs difficult.

France’s ban on short haul flights within the country to destinations that are well served by trains took effect on the 23rd of May.

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