Tuesday 13 August 2019

Eco Explorers at Lower Winskill Farm, Langcliffe: Report of 29-31 July 2019 event. Book now for 28-30 Aug: Eco Explorers 2:

Would you like to explore the flower-rich fields of Lower Winskill high above Langcliffe and Stainforth, Settle with Eco Explorers?

Would you like to find the names of our common Dales wildflowers in bloom, try out using the binoculars we provide, follow a geology trail, and compete with other children (and adults) to find “coloured wiggly worms?

These are just some of the fun activities enjoyed by children and adults at the three July Eco Explorers workshops run by Churches Together in Settle at Lower Winskill Farm, led by local naturalists, and with 14 families attending for one or two out of the three days. 

And we are going to have three more mornings later in August:.. with extra activities: bees .. moths.. maps..

These mornings are to be repeated
with extra new activities
on 28,29 30 August  

To book: Contact Sally Waterson  sally@thewatersons.org 0775 3618381  

Let me tell you more about the July event: First we met each other. There were pictures of butterflies to colour, then a game altogether in the field seeing who could spot "Un-nature" objects that had been hidden.

Then we had workshops. People could choose two workshops.It was hard to make a choice from those offered.

I (Judith Allinson) ran wildflower, lichens and tree activities.

Keith Waterson ran geology trips to see the fossils and glacial erratic “Samson’s Toe” along the lane from the farm. 

Les Chandler who has formerly worked for the RSPB ran some run-around nature games for the children and adults, and binocular activities.

Sally Waterson organised colouring sessions and other indoor activities (but fortunately we can save most of the these for the August event because we avoided the forecast rain did not come in the mornings).

After the joint activities and two workshop sessions we gathered together, sat down on rugs and chairs in the barn and Sally led a session with action songs and a reading from “Open the Book” about God creating our wonderful world. Then we had a sandwich lunch - prepared with the help of volunteers and some of the Mums/Grandmums

We are all grateful to farmer Tom Lord who owns the farm for allowing us to use the premises, with its meadows and limestone pastures, beautiful flowers and exhilarating views. He explained a little about the farm. He has managed the fields near by, by reducing grazing in spring and summer, so that they are so good for wild flowers and butterflies.

It's great place to meet. There are toilets and a small newly painted white walled meeting room with sink, and also the large barn where we met that was a shelter from the wind and available for indoor events should the weather turn wet.

We have a second club, 28-30 August ”Eco Explorers 2”. with different Bird activities with Les, and Bee watching and Moth collecting activities, plus the sessions we had in July, but with different flowers and trees and lichens.

One grandmother had enjoyed it so much she asked “Do you do similar activities for adults?”. And Ella (aged 2) is reported to have been going round Settle pointing to each tree saying “Ash?”.

Judith said

“It was delightful to accompany the children as we walked through the field full of red and purple flowers - magenta coloured Betony, Midland-Railway-red Greater Burnet, mauve Small Scabious, shocking-pink Herb Robert, crimson Red Clover, pale pink Yarrow, maroon Wild-Thyme and purple Bush Vetch.   

(And that’s not even telling you about the yellow flowers).” 

When we come back at the end of August these will be replaced with purple Knapweed and pale-blue Devil’s-bit Scabious, and lots of blue Harebells. It is great to be able to share the names of our 
local plants.

We  plan that “Messy Church” sessions in Autumn will be held on the third Sunday each month starting at 4pm at St John’s Church Hall, Settle - and will include some outdoor sessions in the local churchyard, and school playing field (Also see Facebook - Settle Messy Church).

For others interested in Wildlife, do contact Craven Conservation Group - who run wildlife activities in the Settle area - Children are welcome if accompanied by an adult.


Sally said...

Love the photos! We all enjoyed it.

Sally said...

Love the photos! We all enjoyed ourselves.