In the afternoon I joined two groups of children from Sharow Primary School, next door - who were being shown round. c. 7 year olds and c 9 year olds -
This post could cover 10 different stories -
- Children's questions
- The Bioblitz
- How to recognise rocks - especially limestone -
- How to sort out a couple of lichens for the bioblitz
- Invertebrates - Spider eating spiders - moths
- Churchyard management
- Mosses
- Grasses
- Characters who I met on the day
But first the children
Children -ask questions - and make you look - And ask questions yourself.
Why are the plants/flowers different and how did they come to be different?
What does solitary mean? (when I was describing describing "Solitary Bees" - Wild bees that live by themselves compared to Honey-bees that live in hives )
What does "structure" mean? - when explaining about lichens. The children "got" or at least accepted that lichens are made of fungi (like mushrooms, toadstools, mould on mouldy bread), algae (like green slime in fishponds). .. But when I said "The fungi give lichens structure" one boy asked "What does structure mean?
I was encouraged by the teachers to talk about geology and look at the different types of rock available. So we looked at the layers of sand in the sandstone of the church.
It shows how the particles had been layed down in layers . .. in sediment.
In looking at the church wall for these layers we noticed that the blocks in the west facing side (of the buttress) so weathered? - the teacher was keen to use the word eroded -- which it certainly was.. I may write more about this later - I had one hypothesis then. I very much have another now.
Time was short so we moved to the nearby gravestones - some had big crystals -black and pink others had white and pink crystals - granite. Igneous rocks..(I wondered how much 9 year olds could take in..) Then there was a white gravestone from a soldier who had been killed in the first world war. I am still not sure what it was made out of but we decided to call it marble because it had a marbled pattern - it had a rough texture (I thought marble would be polished..).
But back to the recording day:
2. The Bioblitz In the cool of the church Mark and Clare from the North & East Yorkshire Data Recording Centre were collecting result ready to put on iNaturalist for Churches count on NatureBioblitz - 117 species by 1pm
This is a Caloplaca growing - on mortar lowdown on south facing church wall. C arcis or limonea? After correspondence on Twitter with Mark Powell - he suggests C limonea. 1. Because of the pale yellow colour and darker apothecial discs 2. Because C arcis just has blastidia round the edge of the areoles and limonea has soralia across the areoles - even if a lot might have been eaten off by snails here. 3. The fact that no-one has recorded it from this part of Yorkshire is probably because it is a relatively newly described species and only a few lichenologists have started recoding it so far and have not been here yet. (I go back to the same wall on 10th June and can't find the exact patch - but several other patches. Note - I now think nearly all the church is made of a very vase rich limestone. The eroded bits of wall and churchyard wall both give a pH of about 7.8 when mixed with BDH soil indicator) |
I am fairly sure this is Pertusaria albescens subsp corallina |
Mark Powell wasn't - He said it might be - but it could be other things too.
I am going to leave it as Pertusaria albescens subsp corallina
![]() |
This is sometimes know at Daddy-Long-Legs Spider or Cellar Spider - Pholcus phalangioides |
Garden Carpet - my suggestion |
Atrichum undulatum Common Smoothcap |
The only place I noticed Atrichum undulatum Common Smoothcap was on this grave - so it is good that it is one where the mound has been left on the grave and where it is mown. |
8. Grasses |
Above and below: Hairy Brome Bromopsis ramosa- this woodland grass is easily recognisable by the 2mm long hairs on the sheaths, and by the big auricles (earlike projections at the base of the blades) |
Well, we have added another 60 species of higher plant since the 1pm count on the board above.
And a few more mosses and lichens
I wonder what the total number of organisms will be... come back in a few days and I will have written the total by then
9. Characters - to come
See more about Sharow churchyard and the Open Day on Sat 5 June 2021
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